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The SSAT Poster Sessions will be held in South Hall of McCormick Place, from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Authors will be at their posters to answer questions from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM.
Designated presenting authors listed. View a complete author string with abstract by clicking on the poster title.
indicates a poster featured in a Poster Tour: (ticketed session with complimentary but limited registration) |
Sunday, May 4, 2014, 11:00 - 11:45 AM: Colon-Rectal
Monday, May 5, 2014, 11:00 - 11:45 AM: Esophageal
indicates a Poster of Distinction. |
Monday, May 5, 2014 |
Basic: Colon-Rectal |
Mo1790 |
Establishment and Characterization of a Crohn's Related Colonic Carcinoma Cell Line and Matched Xenograf
Florian Kuehn, Dept. of General, Thoracic, Vascular and Transplantation Surgery, University of Rostock, Rostock Germany
Mo1791 |
Colonic Microbiota and Gene Methylation in Colonic Carcinogenesi
Marco Scarpa, Oncological Surgery Unit, Veneto Institute of Oncology (IOV-IRCCS), Padova Italy
Basic: Esophageal |
Mo1792 |
Overexpression of Stem Cell Markers Including Prominin 1/CD133 in Cardiac Mucosa and Barretts Intestinal Metaplasi
Dan Falkenback, Gastro-Oesophageal Cancer Program, Department of Surgery, St Vincent's Centre for Applied Medical Research, Lund University Hospital, Darlinghurst, NSW Australia
Mo1793 |
Analysis of the Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) Gene Polymorphisms in Esophageal Cance
Evelise Pelegrinelli-Zaidan, Gastroenterology, Uni versity of São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil
Basic: Hepatic |
Mo1794 |
Heparin Fragments Effects in Liver Injury Secondary to Liver Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R
Ênio Rodrigues Vasques, GASTROENTEROLOGY, FMUSP, São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil
Basic: Pancreas |
Mo1795 |
PTK6 Increases Apoptosis with Gemcitabine Treatment in Pancreatic Cancer Cells by Enhancing DNA Damag
Hiroaki Ono, Surgery, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Basic: Small Bowel |
Mo1796 |
IGF-2 Is Necessary for Retinoblastoma-Mediated Enhanced Adaptation After Small Bowel Resectio
Pamela M. Choi, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Washington University, St Louis, MO
Clinical: Biliary |
Mo1574 |
Prognostic Impact of Human Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter 1 and Ribonucleotid Reductase Submit 1 Expression in Cholangiocarcinoma Patients Treated with Adjuvant Gemcitabine-Based Chemotherap
Hayato Sasaki, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Hiroshima University Hospital, Hiroshima Japan
Mo1575 |
Cost-Effectiveness of Elective Cholecystectomy Vs. Observation in Older Patients Presenting with Mild Biliary Diseas
Abhishek Parmar, Department of Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Texas- Medical Branch, UCSF-East Bay, Galveston, TX
Mo1576 |
Development of a New Preoperative Staging System for Prediction of Resectability in Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma
Jim Wiggers, Surgery, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Netherlands
Mo1577 |
Timing of Cholecystectomy in Children with Biliary Pancreatitis, Early Versus Delayed Surgery: A Single Pediatric Center Revie
Tom K. Lin, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
Clinical: Colon-Rectal |
Mo1578 |
Do Preoperative Oral Antibiotics Decrease the Incidence of Surgical Site Infection After Segmental Colectomy Without a Mechanical Bowel Prep
Sarah J. Atkinson, Colon and Rectal Surgery, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
Mo1579 |
Is Early Discharge Following Elective Surgery for Colon Cancer Safe? An Analysis of Short-Term Outcome
Ahmad Ibrahim Elnahas, Surgery, General Surgery, University of Toronto, University Health Network, Toronto, ON
Mo1581 |
Should We Still Be Performing Open Appendectomies? A Comparison of Outcomes for Laparoscopic Versus Open Appendectomy with Data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (Cihi)
Christopher Blackmore, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB
Mo1582 |
Appendicitis in the Modern Era: Universal Problem and Variable Treatmen
Catherine Jacqueline Yang, Surgical Outcomes Analysis and Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Mo1583 |
Laparoscopic Surgery for Sigmoid Diverticulitis Complicated by Vesical/Vaginal Fistula
Faisel Elagili, Colorectal surgery, Cleveland clinic, Cleveland, OH
Mo1584 |
Why Is Your Patient with Crohn’s Disease Still Smoking? Impact of Smoking on Surgical Outcome
Adriana Olariu, General Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Union City, NJ
Mo1585 |
Predictors of Surgical Site Infection After Ostomy Reversal: Lessons from ACS-NSQI
Kevin Kuruvilla, Surgery, University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT
Mo1586 |
Enhanced Recovery After Colorectal Surgery: Does Restrictive Fluid Management Result in Increased Acute Kidney Injury
Stefan David Holubar, Colon & Rectal Surgery, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH
Mo1587 |
Pre-Operative Radiographic Findings Predictive of Laparoscopic Conversion to Open Procedures in Crohn's Diseas
Jeffrey Mino, General Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Mo1589 |
The Impact of Long Term Diuretic Therapy on Post-Operative Physiology After Major GI Resectio
Daljinder Bajwa, Norwich Medical School, UEA, Norwich United Kingdom
Mo1590 |
Does Gender Affect Short-Term Outcomes After Laparoscopic Total Proctocolectomy with IPAA for Ulcerative Colitis
Ozgen Isik, Colorectal Surgery, Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Mo1591 |
Intraoperative Portable Gammacamera for Sentinel Node Mapping in Colon Cance
Rocio Anula, Surgery, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid Spain
Mo1592 |
Flaps for Large Radiated Perineal Wounds After Proctectom
Somjade Jay Songcharoen, Surgery, Univ Mississippi, Jackson, MS
Mo1593 |
Treatment of Colorectal Cancer in the Rural Community Hospital Setting: Compatibility to Standard Care, Risk Factors to Deviate from Standar
Kaori Ito, Surgery, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI
Mo1594 |
Predictors of Post Operative Venous Thromboembolism in Colon and Rectal Surger
John Afthinos, Staten Island University Hospital, Bayside, NY
Clinical: Esophageal |
 Mo1595 |
The Post-Esophagectomy Complications Influence the Overall Survival But Not Disease Free Survival in Patients with Esophageal Cance
Chih-Cheng Hsieh, Division of Thoracic Surgery, Institute of clinical medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei Taiwan
Mo1596 |
High Resolution Manometric Predictors of Post-Fundoplication Dysphagi
Christy M. Dunst, Minimally Invasive Surgery Division, The Oregon Clinic, Portland, OR
Mo1597 |
Impedance Planimetry as a Diagnostic Tool to Evaluate the Degree of Clinical Lower Esophageal Sphincter Dysfunctio
Yalini Vigneswaran, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Surgery, NorthShore University HealthSystem, University of Chicago, Evanston, IL
Mo1598 |
Do Outcomes of Surgical Treatment for Achalasia Depend on the Manometric Subtype
Oscar Maximiliano Crespin, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Mo1599 |
Anti-Reflux Surgery Before Lung Transplantation Is Associated with Decreased Early Rejection Compared to Surgery After Transplantatio
Wai-Kit Lo, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy, Gastroenterology Section, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston VA Healthcare System, Boston, MA
Mo1600 |
Mesh Cruroplasty in Laparoscopic Repair of Paraesophageal Hernias Is Not Associated with Better Long-Term Outcomes Compared to Primary Repai
Vernissia Tam, Division of Thoracic and Foregut Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA
Mo1601 |
Long-Term Symptomatic Outcomes After Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy for Achalasi
Ezra N. Teitelbaum, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Mo1602 |
Locally Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma Without Neoadjuvant Therapy: Is It Still Worth to Operate? A Single Institutional Experienc
Dean Bogoevski, General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery, University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg Germany
Mo1603 |
The Effect of Oral Sucralfate on the Postprandial Proximal Gastric Acid Pocke
Luciana Cristina da Silva, Surgery, Federal University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil
Mo1604 |
Modified Nissen Fundoplication: Operative Technique and Its Impact on Immediate Postoperative Complications
Daniela Diaz Calderon, Minimally Invasive Surgery, American British Cowdray Medical Center, Alvaro Obregon, Mexico DF Mexico
Mo1605 |
Racial Disparities in the Characteristics of Surgically Treated Achalasia Patient
Carla N. Holcomb, Surgery, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Mo1606 |
How We Learned Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM): The Observe-Train-Perform-Strateg
Joerg Filser, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg Germany
Mo1607 |
Transhiatal Vs. Three-Hole Esophagectomy: Does Technique Change Survival
Shirali T. Patel, Surgery, Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Mo1608 |
Minimmaly Invasive Esophagectomy. Lymph Nodes Removal and Complications. A Retrospective Stud
Jaime Otero de Pablos, Digestive Surgical Department, Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, Madrid Spain
Mo1609 |
Treatment and Survival Disparities of Locoregional Gastroesophageal Cancer in Whites, Blacks and Asian Americans: A SEER-Database Analysi
Xi Emily Zheng, Public Health, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY
Clinical: Hepatic |
Mo1610 |
Defining Perioperative Risk After Hepatectomy Based on Diagnosis and Resection Exten
Christopher R. Shubert, Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Mo1611 |
Hepatectomy for Non-Colorectal or Non-Neuroendocrine Liver Metastase
Yasuhito Iwao, HBP Surgery, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo Japan
Mo1612 |
Morbidity and Mortality of Hepatectomy for Benign Liver Tumor
Timothy E. Newhook, Department of Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Mo1614 |
Pylephlebitis: Single Institutional Retrospective Review Identifies Gaps in Traditional Approach to Diagnosis and Treatmen
Mohammad Alzghari, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Clinical: Pancreas |
Mo1616 |
Quantifying the Burden of Perioperative Complications Following Total Pancreatectomy Using the Postoperative Morbidity Index: A Multi-Institutional Perspectiv
Jashodeep Datta, Surgery, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Mo1617 |
Population-Based Trends of Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Temporal and Age-Related Outcome
Cheguevara Afaneh, Surgery, NY Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY
Mo1618 |
High Performing Whipple Patients: Factors Associated with Short Length of Stay After Open Pancreaticoduodenectom
Grace C. Lee, Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Mo1619 |
A 30-Years Celebration of First Description of Central Pancreatectomy (The Dagradi-Serio-Iacono Operation): Historical Outline and Surgical Outcom
Calogero Iacono, Department of Surgey, Policlinico GB Rossi, Verona Italy
Mo1620 |
Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis: What Happens After the Thunderstorm
Rafaela Cristina Goebel Winter Gasparoto, Gastroenterology, Santa Casa of São Paulo School of Medicine, São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil
Mo1621 |
Socioeconomic Status and Surgical Outcomes After Regional Pancreatectom
Heidi Schmidt, Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
Mo1623 |
Oxygen Saturation Predicts Pancreatic Leak Following Pancreatectomy: A Feasibility Study on Direct Data Transfer from the Electronic Health Record for Clinical Outcomes Researc
Erin Wian Gilbert, Department of Surgery, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR
Mo1624 |
Robotic Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Comparison of Complications and Cost to the Open Approac
Samuel Wade Ross, Department of General Surgery, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC
Mo1625 |
Is Antacid Therapy After Pancreatoduodenectomy Necessary? Contemporary Global Practice of Pancreatic Surgeon
James Russell Butler, Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
Mo1626 |
Techniques of Pancreatic Reconstruction After Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Analysis of Pancreatic Fistula Rate and Severity, Risk Factors and Impact of Omental Wra
Stefano D'Ugo, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Oxford University Hospitals, Oxford United Kingdom
Mo1627 |
A Service Based Mid Level Provider Utilizing Peri-Operative Pathways Can Reduce Length of Stay and Hospital Costs Related to Pancreaticoduodenectomy Patient
William C. Conway, II, Surgical Oncology, Ochsner Medical Center, New Orleans, LA
Mo1629 |
Does Length of Preoperative Admission Impact In-Hospital Morbidity and Mortality After Pancreatectomy? A Population-Based Stud
Shuja Ahmed, General Surgery, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston Salem, NC
Mo1630 |
Institutional Influence on the Surgical Management of Peri-Ampullary Adenocarcinom
Holly Rochefort, Surgery, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA
Clinical: Small Bowel |
Mo1632 |
Laparoscopic-Assisted Resection of Metastatic Cutaneous Melanoma to the Small Intestine Is Safe and Effectiv
Meghan Forster, Surgical Oncology, Levine Cancer Institute, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC
Mo1633 |
Endoscopy in the Immediate Postoperative Setting After Primary Gastrointestinal Anastomosi
Mahmoud Amr, Trauma, Critical Care and General Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Mo1634 |
Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgery for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Single Center Experienc
Antonino Spinelli, Dept. of Surgery, Dept. of Medical Biotechnologies and Translational Medicine, Istituto Clinico Humanitas, University of Milano, Rozzano Milano Italy
Mo1635 |
CT Scan Is Helpful for Internal Hernia Detection Following Weight Loss Surger
Maria Altieri, Stony Brook Medical Center, Stony Brook, NY
Mo1636 |
Outcomes of Patients with Biopsy-Proven Sclerosing Mesenteriti
Mihir M. Shah, General Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland Heights, OH
Clinical: Stomach |
Mo1797 |
Laparoscopic Versus Open Surgical Management of Perforated Peptic Ulcer: A Comparison of Outcome
Luciano Ambrosini, General Surgery, University Health Network, Division of General Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
Mo1798 |
Daikenchuto (DKT) Helps Improve Postoperative Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder After Total Gastrectomy in Patients with Gastric Cancer: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial(JFMC42-1002
Keisuke Koeda, Surgery, Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Iwate Japan
Mo1799 |
Limitations of EUS and CT for Preoperative Staging of Gastric Cance
Mark Fairweather, Department of Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
Mo1800 |
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Outcomes in Afro-Caribbean Immigrants Are Impacted by Social and Economic Statu
Francesco Serafini, Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY
Mo1801 |
Primary Sleeve Gastrectomy Compared to Sleeve Gastrectomy as Revisional Surger
Allison M. Barrett, Surgery, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Mo1802 |
Single Stage Conversion from Gastric Banding to a Stapled Bariatric Procedure: An Analysis of Complication
Collin EM Brathwaite, Surgery, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NY
Mo1803 |
Blood Transfusion Among Patients Undergoing Elective Bariatric Surgery for Weight Reduction: A Nationwide Perspectiv
Toms Augustin, Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Mo1804 |
Short-Term Outcomes in Robotic Gastric Bypass Patient
Joshua R. Karas, Surgery, Winthrop University Hospital, Coram, NY
Translational: Esophageal |
Mo2048 |
Cathepsin E Is a Novel Highly Overexpressed Biomarker in Barrett's Esophagus & Esophageal Adenocarcinom
Oliver Maximilian Fisher, Gastro-Oesophageal Cancer Program, St. Vincent's Center For Applied Medical Research, Sydney, NSW Australia
Translational: Other |
Mo2049 |
Amelioration of the Effects of Obesity on the Short-Term Postoperative Complication Rate of Laparoscopic Compared to Open Ventral Hernia Repai
Jort Fekkes, Surgery, University of South Florida, Amsterdam Netherlands
Mo2050 |
Analysis of Morbidity and Mortality of Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy in Patients Age ? 65 Year
Keli Turner, Division of General and Oncologic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
Mo2051 |
Medicare Diagnosis Related Group Analysis for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Gaps and Opportunitie
Pushwaz Virk, Akron General Medical Center, Akron, OH
Translational: Pancreas |
Mo2052 |
Strong Membranous Expression of Plectin Is an Independent Predictor of Improved Survival After Resection of Pancreatic Head Ductal Adenocarcinom
Peter Bronsert, Institute of Pathology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg Germany
Translational: Small Bowel |
Mo2053 |
Small Bowel Length Correlates with Height in Adults: Implications for General Surgery and Gastroenterolog
Saju Joseph, Dept of Surgery, Texas Tech University Health Sciences, Odessa, TX
Translational: Stomach |
Mo2054 |
Preclinical Trial of Gastric Injection of Botulinum Toxin Type A as Weight-Loss-Surger
Helene Johannessen, Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway