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Minimmaly Invasive Esophagectomy. Lymph Nodes Removal and Complications. a Retrospective Study
Jaime Otero De Pablos*, Esther Sanchez Lopez, AndréS SáNchez-Pernaute
Digestive Surgical Department, Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain

Background: Esophageal cancer (EC) has one of the highest malignant potentials of any type of tumor. Recent studies have shown that Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy ( MIE ) reduces blood loss, respiratory complications, the total morbidity rate and hospitalization duration. Current recommendations suggest that at least 15 lymph nodes should be examined after esophagectomy. The number of lymph nodes examined during surgical resection therefore considerably affects staging accuracy. Because of that, staging is clearly an important prognostic factor for patients.
Despite aggressive treatment, locoregional recurrence figures are around 25-30%.
Although data suggest that operative mortality is not significantly different between open and Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy ( MIE ), from our knowledge, patient survival has not been studied.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the total number of resected lymph nodes after MIE and classic approach, as well as their complications.
Method: From 2004 to2012, 40 patients went through Ivor Lewis esophagectomy, including 7 of whom under went thoracoscopic and laparoscopic approach, 12 patients under went thoracotomy and laparoscopic approach, and 21 patients under went thoracotomy and laparotomy approach. In any case, laparoscopic and open approach, abdominal lymphadenectomy used was D2 dissection. Whereas in the thorax, conventional two-field dissection was performed.
Results: There were no differences between the TNM between different groups.
When we compare the number of lymph nodes removed at the abdomen by laparoscopy (mean:16.95 Metastatic Lymph Node Ratio(MLNR):0,16) compared to laparotomy (mean:17.4 MLNR:0,30) no statistically significant differences were observed ( p = 0.87 ).
When analyzing the thoracic lymph nodes removed by thoracoscopy (mean:10.29 MLNR:0,05) versus thoracotomy (mean:15.36 MLNR:0,31) less dissection of metastasic lymph nodes and total lymph nodes were observed, although this differences were not statistically significant( p = 0, 754 )
Based on Clavien scale, decrease in complications type III and IV were seen when minimally invasive approach was accomplished. However, these differences were not statistically significant ( p > 0,05 ).
The reported hospital stay average were reduced when both, laparoscopic and thoracoscopic approach was the elected procedure, but this reduction was not seen when only one of the endoscopic procedure was elected. ( p > 0,05 )
Discussion: The MIE has shown a decrease in postoperative complications, as has been shown in the literature. Since a decrease in the number of lymph nodes removed by MIE has not been demonstrated, minimally invasive surgery may be approach of choice. However, more studies comparing long-term survival in these patients are needed.

Resected abdominal lymph node depending on their location and technique.
LAPAROSCOPYLAPAROSCOPYNMean Standard deviation Standard error p
Right Paracardial YES 19 2,47 2,568 0,5890,270
Right Paracardial NO 21 2,29 3,6900,805
Left ParacardialYES19 2,47 2,7560,632 0,027
Left ParacardialNO21 1,242,827 0,617
Lesser CurvatureYES19 5,687,227 1,658 0,652
Lesser CurvatureNO21 3,953,775 0,824
Left Gastric ArteryYES19 1,951,840 0,422 0,751
Left Gastric ArteryNO21 3,523,572 0,780
Celiac TrunkYES19 1,951,840 0,422 0,751
Celiac TrunkNO21 2,432,580 0,563
Hepatic arteryYES19 2,282,081 0,490 0,885
Hepatic arteryNO21 2,292,283 0,498
Greater CurvatureYES19 0,260,806 0,185 0,534
Greater CurvatureNO21 0,190,873 0,190
Retroportal veinYES19 0,00,0 0,0 0,048
Retroportal veinNO210,33 0,796 0,174

Resected thoracic lymph node depending on their location and technique.
THORACOSCOPY THORACOSCOPY N MeanStandard deviation Standard error p
Recurrent chain YES 70,43 1,134 0,429 0,651
Recurrent chain NO 330,91 2,156 0,375
ParatrachealYES 7 0,571,134 0,429 0,463
ParatrachealNO 33 1,272,125 0,37
SubcarinalYES 7 5,294,499 1,700 0,463
SubcarinalNO 33 2,362,356 0,410
Para Aortic YES 7 00 0 0,553
Para Aortic NO 33 0,451,543 0,269
ParaesophagealYES 7 3,863,716 1,405 0,095
ParaesophagealNO 33 10,1517,532 3,052
DiaphragmYES 7 0,140,378 0,143 0,972
DiaphragmNO 33 0,180,528 0,092

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