2013 Annual Meeting Posters: Monday, May 21, 2012
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The SSAT Poster Sessions will be held in West Hall A of the Orange County Convention Center, from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Authors will be at their posters to answer questions from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM.
Designated presenting authors listed. View a complete author string with abstract by clicking on the poster title.
indicates a poster featured in a Poster Tour: (ticketed session with complimentary but limited registration) |
Sunday, May 19, 2013, 11:00 - 11:45 AM: Esophageal and Stomach
Monday, May 20, 2013, 11:00 - 11:45 AM: HPB
Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 11:00 - 11:45 AM: Small Bowel and Colon-Rectal
indicates a Poster of Distinction. |
Monday, May 20, 2013 |
Basic: Colon-Rectal |
Mo1834 |
Plasma Levels of the Proangiogenic Proteins Angiogenin and Interleukin-8 Are Significantly Increased in Patients with Colorectal Cancer
M. C. Shantha Kumara H, Surgery, St Luke Roosevelt Hospital, New york, NY
Mo1835 |
Intestinal Permeability Is Increased During Postoperative Ileus in Mice
Martin E. Kreis, Surgery (CBF), Charité University Medicine, Berlin Germany
Basic: Esophageal |
Mo1836 |
Bile Acid at Low pH Can Cause Dilatation of Inter-Cellular Spaces in In Vitro Stratified Primary Esophageal Cells, Possibly by Modulating WNT and BMP Signaling
Sayak Ghatak, Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Basic: Hepatic |
Mo1837 |
Beneficial Effects of Diazoxide on Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury
Ana Maria M. Coelho, Gastroenterology, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Brazil
Basic: Pancreas |
 Mo1838 |
PTK6 Regulates Migration and Invasion of Pancreatic Cancer Cells with ERK1/2 Dependent Pathway
Hiroaki Ono, Surgery, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
 Mo1839 |
Osteopontin (OPN) Isoforms, Diabetes, Obesity, and Cancer: What’s One Got to Do with the Other? A New Role for OPN
Konrad Sarosiek, Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Mo1840 |
Local and Systemic Effects of Aging on Acute Pancreatitis
Ana Maria M. Coelho, Gastroenterology, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Brazil
Clinical: Biliary |
 Mo1687 |
Introperative Cholangiogram Reduces Risk of Bile Duct Injury During Cholecystectomy: Results from a National Quality Registry
Björn Törnqvist, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology , Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden
Mo1689 |
Post-Cholecystectomy Acute Bile Duct Injuries
Vinay Kumar Kapoor, Surgical Gastroenterology, Sanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), Lucknow, UP India
Mo1690 |
Hepatolithiasis: Transhepatic Team Management
Janak A. Parikh, Surgery, IN Univ School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
Mo1691 |
En Bloc Resection of Hepatoduodenal Ligament for Advanced Biliary Malignancy
Yuji Kaneoka, Surgery, Ogaki Municipal Hospital, Ogaki Japan
Mo1692 |
Extended Hepatectomy with Portal and Hepatic Artery Resection for Advanced Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma
Minoru Esaki, Hepato-biliary pancreatic surgery, National Cancer Center Hospital , Tokyo Japan
Mo1693 |
Percutaneous Transhepatic Gallbladder Drainage Without Cholecystectomy Is Optimum Procedure in High-Risk Patients
Masanori Akada, surgery, Surgery, South miyagi medical center, Tohoku University, Sendai Japan
Mo1694 |
Major Bile Duct Injury Requiring Operative Reconstruction After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A National Perspective, 2001-2009
Taranjeet Kaur, General Surgery, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR
Mo1695 |
Percutaneous Cholecystostomy Placement in a High Risk Population with Acute Cholecystitis
Joseph Alfred Blansfield, Jr., Surgical Oncology, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA
Clinical: Colon-Rectal |
Mo1696 |
Congenital Pouch Colon: A Clinical Study
Kewal Krishan Maudar, G.I. Surgery , Paediatric Surgery, Bhopal Memorial Hospital & Research Centre, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh India
Mo1697 |
Colonic Disasters Approached by Emergent Total Colectomy: Lessons Learned from 120 Consecutive Cases
Michael Schweigert, Department of General and Thoracic Surgery, Klinikum Nuremberg Nord, Nuremberg Germany
Mo1698 |
A Comparison of Tumour and Host Determinants of Outcome in Screen Detected Versus Non-Screen Detected Colorectal Cancer: A Contemporaneous Study
David Mansouri, Academic Department of Surgery, University of Glasgow, Glasgow United Kingdom
Mo1699 |
Infective Complications Following Colorectal Cancer Resection: Enhanced Recovery Confers No Advantage over Conventional Care
Michelle Leana Ramanathan, Department of Surgery, University of Glasgow, Glasgow United Kingdom
Mo1700 |
Palliative Surgery for Malignant Bowel Obstruction: A Systematic Review
Terrah J. Paul Olson, General Surgery, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, WI
Mo1701 |
Surgical Stricturoplasty in the Treatment of Pouch Strictures
Xian-rui Wu, Departments of Colorectal Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland , OH
Mo1702 |
Outpatient Anal Exploration and Fistula Treatment in Patients with Symptomatic Peri-Anal Crohn’s Disease: Preliminary Report
Edoardo Iaculli, Tor Vergata, Rome Italy
Mo1703 |
Clinical Profile and Skeletal Muscle Histopathology of Patients Affected with Early Diagnosed Colorectal Cancer: Diagnostic and Prognostic Markers of Disease?
Mario Gruppo, Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences, University Hospital of Padua, Padova Italy
Mo1704 |
Risk Factors for Failure of Percutaneous Drainage and Need for Re-Operation Following Symptomatic Gastrointestinal Anastomotic Leak
Seth Felder, Surgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Mo1706 |
The Impact of Laparoscopic Versus Open Approach on Re-Operation Rate After Segmental Colectomy
Paul Speicher, Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
Mo1707 |
Insurance Affects Readmission After GI Surgery: A Longitudinal Analysis
Zeling Chau, Department of General Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology, University of Massachusetts, Beth Israel Medical Center- Harvard Medical School, Worcester, MA
Mo1708 |
Local Excision of T1 and T2 Rectal Cancer: Proceed with Caution
Mohamed M. Elmessiry, Colorectal Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, FL
Mo1709 |
Outcomes of Survival in Converted Laparoscopic Resections for Colorectal Malignancy over a 10-Year Period
Arthur Yushuva, Colorectal Surgery, Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PA
Mo1710 |
Alvimopan Use Is Associated with Reduced Length of Stay and Direct Hospital Costs in Laparoscopic Bowel Resections
Aaron G. LEwis, Huntington Memorial Hospital, Pasadena, CA
Mo1711 |
Lymph-Nodes Harvest Might Be Ameliorated by Ex-Vivo Intra-Arterial Methylene Blue Dye Injection After Colorectal Cancer Surgery
Pierpaolo Sileri, Surgery, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome Italy
Mo1712 |
The Effects of Advanced Age on Post-Operative Morbidity and Mortality Following Cytoreductive Surgery with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
Sarah Jane McPartland, Surgery, Tufts Medical Center, Shrewsbury, MA
Clinical: Esophageal |
Mo1714 |
Gastroesophageal Junction Tumors Clinically Staged cT2: Accuracy of Staging Results and Therapeutic Consequences at Two Academic Centers
Daniel Vallbohmer, Department of Surgery, University of Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf Germany
Mo1715 |
Outcomes of Esophagectomy for Esophageal Achalasia in the United States
Daniela Molena, Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Mo1716 |
Comparison of Long Term Survival After Endoscopic Resection Vs. Ablation in Early Esophageal Cancer: An Analysis of Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results Data
Attila Dubecz, Surgery, Klinikum Nurnberg, Nurnberg Germany
Mo1717 |
Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Esophageal Carcinoma with Coexistent Intrathoracic Great Vessel Anomalies
Long-Qi Chen, Thoracic Surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan China
Mo1718 |
Esophagectomy for Cancer Can Be Performed Safely and with Good Perioperative Outcomes in Octagenerians
Vadim P. Koshenkov, Surgery, University of Miami, Miami, FL
Mo1719 |
The Clinical Spectrum of Esophagogastric Junction Outflow Obstruction Identified via High Resolution Manometry
Poochong Timratana, Department of Surgery, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY
Mo1720 |
Economic Impact of an Enhanced Recovery Pathway for Esophagectomy
Lawrence Lee, Surgery, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC Canada
Mo1721 |
Can an Effective Nissen Fundoplication Improve the Weak Motility of Barrett’s Esophagus?
Sergio Szachnowicz, Department of Gastroenterology, Esophageal Surgical Division - University of Sao Paulo Medical School - Brazil, São Paulo Brazil
Mo1722 |
Laparoscopic Nissen - Hill Hybrid: A Promising Solution for Type III Para-Esophageal Hernia
Ralph W. Aye, Division of Thoracic Surgery, Swedish Medical Center and Cancer Institute, Seattle, WA
Mo1723 |
Does Delayed Surgery Have an Impact on Outcome After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy (NACRT) in Patients with Carcinoma Esophagus?
Rajesh Gupta, Surgical Gastroenterology Division, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh India
Mo1724 |
Prospective Study of Quality of Life After Laparoscopic Paraesophageal Hernia Repair with Bio-Prosthetic Mesh
Kashif A. Zuberi, Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Mo1725 |
Long Term Outcomes of Re-Do Fundoplication in Elderly (> 65 Years) Patients: A Single Center Experience
Parth Kishore Shah, Creighton University, Omaha, NE
Mo1726 |
Laparoscopic Versus Open Esophagectomy: A Clinical and Cost Analysis
Ernest L. Rosato, Department of General Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Mo1727 |
Comparing the Post-Operative Manometric Characteristics of the Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication and the Laparoscopic Hill Repair
Richard C. Wiseman, Division of Thoracic Surgery, Swedish Medical Center and Cancer Institute, Seattle, WA
Mo1728 |
A Combined Nissen Fundoplication with Hill Gastroplasty Is an Alternative to Collis-Nissen Repair in the Treatment of Short Esophagus
Zeljka Jutric, Division of Thoracic Surgery , Swedish Medical Center and Cancer Institute , Seattle , WA
Mo1729 |
Safety and Symptom Control Efficacy of ePTFE-mesh in Hiatal Hernia Repair with Nissen Fundoplication for Gastroesophageal Reflux
Johannes Miholic, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna Austria
Mo1731 |
Incomplete Lower Esophageal Sphincter Relaxation on High-Resolution Manometry Is an Independent Predictor of Solid Diet Failure in Post-Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Patients
Ana C. Tuyama, Gastroenterology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
Clinical: Hepatic |
 Mo1732 |
Transplantation for HCC Improves Progression Free Survival But Not Overall Survival When Compared to Resection
Rafael Pieretti- Vanmarcke, Department of Surgery, , Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Mo1733 |
Influence of Preoperative Laboratory Values on Perioperative Mortality Following Hepatic Resection for Malignancy
Mashaal Dhir, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
Mo1734 |
Resected Splenic Masses Discovered on Imaging Are Frequently Malignant: A Review of 148 Cases
Ciaran Thomas Bradley, Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Mo1735 |
Analysis of Clinicopathological Factors Contributing an Actual 5 Year Survival After Hepatectomy for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Shutaro Hori, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Division, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo Japan
Mo1736 |
Hepatic Metastasectomy Offers Improves Local Tumor Control Among Patients with Recurrent Colorectal Metastases
Victor M. Zaydfudim, Division of Gastroenterologic and General Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Clinical: Pancreas |
 Mo1737 |
The Effect of Splenectomy on Complication Rates After Distal Pancreatectomy: A Meta-Analysis
Noah Rozich, Department of Surgery, University of Wisconsin , Madison, WI
Mo1738 |
Risk-Benefit Assessment of the Use of Intraperitoneal Drainage After Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Pablo E. Serrano, Surgery, Princes Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON Canada
Mo1739 |
Efficacy of Wrapping the Pancreatic Stump with a Bioabsorbable Sheet and Fibrin Glue After Distal Pancreatectomy
Daisuke Ban, Department of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo Japan
Mo1740 |
Predictors of Same Hospital Readmission Versus Readmission to Another Hospital After Surgery for Pancreatic Cancer: A SEER-Medicare Study
Marquita Renee Decker, Department of Surgery, Health Innovation Program, University of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Mo1741 |
Bridging the Gap in Hospital Accounting: Acute Pancreatitis 2001-2009
Kenneth W. Bueltmann, Jr, Surgery, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, IL
Mo1742 |
Clinico-Pathological Features of Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasms of the Pancreas
Pablo E. Serrano, Surgery, Princes Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON Canada
Mo1743 |
Risk Factors and Management of Postpancreatectomy Hemorrhage in over 1000 Pancreatic Resections
Ulrich Wellner, Department of Surgery, Clinic for General and Visceral Surgery, University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein Campus Lübeck, University of Freiburg Medical Center, Freiburg Germany
Mo1744 |
Mortality of Severe Acute Pancreatitis (SAP) Patients with Infected Necrosis or Persistent Organ Failure Is High But May Be Reduced by Specialist Care and Innovative Therapeutic Modalities
Rami Radwan, Dempartment of Surgery, Royal Gwent Hospital, Barry United Kingdom
Mo1745 |
Peri-Operative Epidural May Not Be the Preferred Form of Analgesia in Select Patients Undergoing Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Trevor Axelrod, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Forest Park, IL
Mo1746 |
Postoperative Serum Amylase Predicts Pancreatic Fistula Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Jordan M. Cloyd, Surgery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Mo1747 |
Significance of Radiographic Splenic Vessel Involvement in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) of the Body and Tail
Nathaniel B. Paull, Surgery, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Mo1748 |
Outcomes of Surgery for Chronic Pancreatitis
Rajesh Gupta, Surgical Gastroenterology Division, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh India
Mo1749 |
Patients with Familial Pancreatitis Have a Better Quality of Life After Total Pancreatectomy with Islet Autotransplantation
Katherine Ann Morgan, Surgery, MUSC, Charleston, SC
Mo1750 |
Irreversible Electroporation of Unresectable Soft Tissue Tumors with Vascular Invasion
Prejesh Philips, Surgical Oncology, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Mo1751 |
Clinical Significance of Portomesenteric Vein Abutment Among Patients with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Victor M. Zaydfudim, Division of Gastroenterologic and General Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Mo1752 |
Does Weight Affect Outcomes Following Total Pancreatectomy with Islet Autotransplantation?
Katherine Ann Morgan, Surgery, MUSC, Charleston, SC
Mo1753 |
Improving the Detection of Mitoses in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Using Phosphohistone H3
Stephanie L. Goff, Surgical Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Mo1754 |
The Role of Adjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Pancreatobiliary Versus Intestinal Subtypes of Ampullary Cancers
Sanjay S. Reddy, Surgical Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
Mo1755 |
Does Time Interval Between Chemoradiation and Surgery Affect Outcomes in Pancreatic Cancer?
Kathryn Tzung-kai Chen, Surgical Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
Clinical: Small Bowel |
Mo1756 |
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors of Extraintestinal Origin: Prognosis Based on Location
Joyce Wong, Surgery, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL
Mo1757 |
Diagnostic Strategy for Acute Abdomen Caused by Perforation of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Can Computed Tomography Detect Perforated Site Even in the Small and Large Bowel?
Tatsuya Ueno, Surgery, Southmiyagi Medical Center, Shibata-gun Japan
Mo1758 |
Ileo-Cecal Resection in Crohn's Disease Patients: Clinical Impact on Quality of Life and Nutrition.
Edoardo Iaculli, Tor Vergata, Rome Italy
Mo1759 |
Role of Gastrografin Challenge in Early Postoperative Small Bowel Obstruction
Mohammad A. Khasawneh, Trauma, Critical Care and General Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Mo1760 |
Assessment of Postoperative Complications in Patients with IBD: A Single Academic Medical Center Experience
Samantha Jane Quade, General Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Mo1761 |
Laparoscopic Vs. Open Unilateral Inguinal Hernia Repairs: A NSQIP Analysis
Muhammad Asad Khan, Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, NY
Mo1762 |
Long-Term Outcomes Following Endoscopic Vs. Transduodenal Ampullectomies for Ampullary Adenomas
Abhishek Mathur, Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL
Clinical: Stomach |
Mo1763 |
Hemi-Double Stapling Technique Versus Hand-Suture for Billroth-I Gastroduodenostomy: An Analysis of 84 Consecutive Patients
Akira Ouchi, Department of Surgery, Chita City Hospital, Aichi Japan
Mo1764 |
Preoperative Chemotherapy Results in Unpredictable Response in Gastric Cancer: No Magic Bullet
Houssam Osman, Surgery, Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Mo1765 |
The Development of Ulcer Disease After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Usha Karuna Coblijn, Sint Lucas Andreas Ziekenhuis, Haarlem Netherlands
Mo1766 |
Current Treatment Strategy for Early Gastric Cancer at a New York Urban Medical Center
Shinichi Fukuhara, Department of Surgery, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, NY
Mo1767 |
Development and Validation of PGSAS-45, an Integrated Questionnaire to Assess Postgastrectomy Syndrome
Koji Nakada, Surgery, , The Jikei University School of Medicine, Japan Postgastrectomy Syndrome Working Party, Tokyo Japan
Mo1770 |
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Reduction After Bariatric Surgery
John M. Morton, Surgery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Translational Science: Colon-Rectal |
Mo2130 |
Minimally Invasive Full Thickness Colonic Resection: A Novel Localised Excision Procedure
Adela Brigic, Department of Surgery, St. Mark's Hospital and Academic Institute, London, London United Kingdom
Mo2131 |
Risk Factors for Postoperative Ileus in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Udo Kronberg, Colorectal Unit, Clinica Las Condes, Santiago Chile
Translational Science: Other |
Mo2132 |
Accurate Haemodynamic and Image Based Assessment of Blunt Traumatic Splenic Injury May Identify Those Who Will Benefit from a Conservative Approach
Chris Brown, General/Upper GI Surgery, Gwent Institute for Minimal Access Surgery, Newport United Kingdom
Mo2133 |
Management of Splenic Cysts: Does Size Really Matter?
Christopher Kenney, Surgery, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Chicago, IL