2013 Annual Meeting Posters: Sunday, May 20, 2012
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The SSAT Poster Sessions will be held in West Hall A of the Orange County Convention Center, from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Authors will be at their posters to answer questions from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM.
Designated presenting authors listed. View a complete author string with abstract by clicking on the poster title.
indicates a poster featured in a Poster Tour: (ticketed session with complimentary but limited registration) |
Sunday, May 19, 2013, 11:00 - 11:45 AM: Esophageal and Stomach
Monday, May 20, 2013, 11:00 - 11:45 AM: HPB
Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 11:00 - 11:45 AM: Small Bowel and Colon-Rectal
indicates a Poster of Distinction. |
Sunday, May 19, 2013 |
Basic: Colon-Rectal |
Su1794 |
Effect of Instrument Type on Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM) Learning Curves
Ezra N. Teitelbaum, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Basic: Esophageal |
Su1795 |
Growth Factor Receptors in the Gastrointestinal Tract of the Rat: New Targets for Improved Anastomotic Healing?
Daniel Georg Drescher, University of Mainz, Mainz Germany
Basic: Pancreas |
Su1796 |
Histone Deacetylase Inhibition (HDAC) by Vorinostat Sensitizes Pancreatic Cancer Cells to TRAIL Induced Cell Death
Rohit Chugh, Surgery, Basic and Translational Research Lab, Minneapolis, MN
Su1797 |
Concepts for the Periampullary Carcinoma Enigma from Clinico-Pathologic Analysis of 198 Patients
Peter Bronsert, Pathological Institute, University of Freiburg, Freiburg Germany
Clinical: Biliary |
Su1590 |
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Patients on Clopidogrel: Is It Safe?
Richard Frazee, Surgery, Scott & White Healthcare, Temple, TX
Su1591 |
Diagnostic Accuracy of Preoperative Multidetector-Row Computed Tomography Imaging in Predicting Microscopic Curative Resection of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Malignancy: A Prospective Multi-Institutional Study
Kazuaki Shimada, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo Japan
Su1592 |
Elevated Perioperative Serum CA 19-9 Level Is an Independent Predictor of Poor Outcome in Patients with Resectable Cholangiocarcinoma
Naru Kondo, Surgery, Hiroshima Univ, Hiroshima, Hiroshima Japan
Su1593 |
Stapling the Cystic Duct During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Results in Increased Rates of Unintended Post-Operative ERCP
Irene Epelboym, Surgery, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY
Su1594 |
Diagnostic Utility of Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) in Patients with Intermediate Probability of Cholidocholithiasis
Hari P. Sayana, University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine, Mission, KS
Su1595 |
Trends in Liver Biochemistries: Are They a Better Predictors Than MRCP in Evaluation of Patients with Intermediate Probability of Choledocholithiasis?
Hari P. Sayana, University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine, Mission, KS
Su1596 |
Procedure Timing in Cholecystectomy Influence Outcome in Patients Admitted for Acute Gallstone Disease
Muhammad Asad Khan, Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, NY
Su1597 |
Gallbladder Perforation and Grade Do Not Affect Survival in Patients with Incidental Gallbladder Cancer
Vadim P. Koshenkov, Surgery, University of Miami, Miami, FL
Su1598 |
Insurance Impacts Biliary Disease: A National Study
Elizaveta Ragulin-Coyne, Department of Surgery, Surgical Outcomes Analysis & Research, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA
Clinical: Colon-Rectal |
Su1600 |
Extensive Abdominal Wall Necrotizing Fasciitis and Fournier’s Gangrene Complicating Perforated Appendicitis
Basem Azab, Surgery, Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, NY
Su1601 |
Robotics in Colorectal Surgery: A Paradigm Shift?
Fatima G. Wilder, Surgery, UMDNJ - University Hospital, Newark, NJ
Su1602 |
Cancer-Associated Inflammation in a Cohort of Colorectal Cancer Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Graeme JK Guthrie, Academic Department of Surgery, University of Glasgow, Glasgow United Kingdom
Su1604 |
Outcomes for Robotic-Assisted Rectopexy With or Without Sigmoid Colon Resection for Rectal Prolapse
Hyuma Leland, Surgery, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA
Su1605 |
Anastomotic Leak Following Anterior Resection for Rectal Cancer: Does the Presence of a Defunctioning Stoma Reduce the Burden of a Leak?
Wissam J. Halabi, Surgery, University of California-Irvine , Orange , CA
Su1606 |
Delay in Management: A Nationwide Study of Appendicitis in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis
Allan Mabardy, Saint Elizabeth's Medical Center, Boston, MA
Su1607 |
Proctological Problems in Relation to Chemotherapy
Danny De Looze, Gastroenterology, University Hospital Gent, Gent Belgium
Su1608 |
Peritoneal Expression of Matrilysin Helps Identify Early Post-Operative Recurrence of Colorectal Cancer
Cristina Fiorani, Tor Vergata, Rome Italy
Su1609 |
High-Dose Circumferential Chemodenervation (HDCC) of the Internal Anal Sphincter: A New Treatment Modality for Uncomplicated Chronic Anal Fissure
Porter H. Glover, Internal Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Ridgeland, MS
Su1610 |
Medication Use and the Risk of Diverticular Complications: A Systematic Review
Charlotte Kvasnovsky, Department of Colorectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, King's College Hospital, University of Maryland Medical Center, London United Kingdom
Su1611 |
Postoperative Bleeding After Colon and Rectal Surgery by Preoperative Diagnosis: A Nationwide Analysis
Nitin Kumar, Division of Gastroenterology, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
Su1612 |
Long Term Outcomes of Continent Ileostomy Created in the Pediatric Age Group
Erman Aytac, Department of Colorectal Surgery , Digestive Disease Institute Cleveland Clinic, Clevaland, OH
Su1613 |
Risk Factors for Mortality for Surgical Clostridium Difficile Colitis: A Review and Meta-Analysis
Stephanie G. Wood, Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Su1614 |
Predictors of Bleeding, Reoperation, and Mortality After Colon and Rectal Surgery by Preoperative Diagnosis: A Nationwide Analysis
Nitin Kumar, Division of Gastroenterology, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
Su1615 |
Risk Factors for Urinary Tract Infection in Rectal Surgery Patients
Janet Tien-Ming Lee, Department of Surgery, Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Su1616 |
Nationwide Analysis of Postoperative Bleeding After Colon and Rectal Surgery over the Past Decade: Incidence, Intervention, and Mortality
Nitin Kumar, Division of Gastroenterology, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
Clinical: Esophageal |
 Su1617 |
Most Patients with Persistent Symptoms on Acid-Suppressive Therapy Do Not Have Reflux as a Cause of Their Symptoms: a Single Center Study Using Ambulatory Impedance-Ph Study
Pradeep kumar Pallati, Creighton University, Omaha, NE
 Su1618 |
Restaging PET-CT After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy Can Prevent Non-Curative Surgical Interventions in Esophageal Cancer Patients
Martinus C.J. Anderegg, Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam Netherlands
 Su1619 |
Conversion of Fundoplication to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: Long-Term Results
Daniel B. Leslie, Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Su1620 |
Esophageal Cancer in the Young: A Population-Based Analysis of 1,095 Patients
Attila Dubecz, Surgery, Klinikum Nurnberg, Nurnberg Germany
Su1621 |
Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients
Fernando A. M. Herbella, Department of Surgery, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, sao paulo Brazil
Su1622 |
Celiac Nodal Status as Determined by Laparoscopic Gastric Ischemic Preconditioning Is Prognostic in Locally-Advanced Esophageal Cancer and May Determine Necessity for Completion Esophagectomy
Sabha Ganai, Surgery, Surgery, The University of Chicago Medicine, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Chicago, IL
Su1623 |
POEM-Based Endoscopic Treatment of Zenker's Diverticulum: Minimal Incision Cricopharyngeal Myotomy (CPM)
Luke McCrone, Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, FL
Su1624 |
Postoperative Management of Nutrition After Ivor Lewis Esophagogastrectomy for Cancer
Laura Trujillo, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Su1625 |
High-Resolution Impedance Manometry Findings in Patients with Epiphrenic Diverticulum
Se Ryung Yamamoto, Creighton University, Omaha, NE
Su1626 |
Surgical Management of Esophageal Perforation: A 10-Year Experience
Paul Goldsmith, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester United Kingdom
Su1627 |
Sustained Improvement in GERD-HRQL, Patient Satisfaction, and Anti-Secretory Drug Use 10-Years After Stretta for Medically Refractory GERD
Mark David Noar, The Heartburn and Reflux Center, Endoscopic Microsurgery Associates, Towson, MD
Su1628 |
Bibliometric Analysis of the Scientific Publications about Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Between 1954 and 2011
Shahin Ayazi, Surgery, University of Rochester, Rochester , NY
Su1629 |
The Better Definition of Nodal Staging in the 7th Edition of TNM Manual Does Not Predict Survival or Translates Into Better Prognosticating Ability in Oesophago-Gastric Junctional Adenocarcinoma
Ramesh Yap Kannan, Minimal Access Surgery, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport United Kingdom
Su1631 |
Does Surgery Have a Role in the Treatment of Small Cell Cancer of the Esophagus?
Moshim Kukar, Surgical Oncology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY
Su1632 |
Dissatisfaction After Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy
Sharona B. Ross, General Surgery, Florida Hospital Tampa, Tampa, FL
Su1633 |
A Single Institution’s Journey with Heller Myotomy: Is the Laparo-Endoscopic Single Site (LESS) Approach Best?
Sharona B. Ross, General Surgery, Florida Hospital Tampa, Tampa, FL
Su1635 |
Surgical Treatment for Achalasia: A NSQIP Analysis.
Stephanie G. Wood, Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Clinical: Hepatic |
Su1636 |
Difference in Outcomes Between Right and Left Hepatectomy in Patients Undergoing Hepatic Resection
Mashaal Dhir, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
Su1639 |
Modified FOLFOX6 and Bevacizumab as Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Patients with Potentially Curable Bilobar Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer
Atsuyuki Maeda, Digestive surgery, Ogaki Municipal Hospital, Ogaki, Gifu Japan
Su1640 |
Hepatectomy for Liver Metastases from Gastric and Esophageal Cancer: Tumor Biology and Surgical Results Define Outcome
Andreas Andreou, Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery , Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow Klinikum, Berlin Germany
Su1641 |
Portal Venous Thrombosis After Distal Pancreatectomy: Risk Factors and Outcomes
Ashwin S. Kamath, General Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN, Rochester, MN
Clinical: Pancreas |
Su1642 |
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Has Limited Utility in Preoperative Staging of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Peter Einersen, Surgery, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY
Su1644 |
Human Equilibrate Nucleoside Transporter 1 Expression Predicts Survival of Pancreatic Cancer Patients Trated with Gemcitabine-Based Adjuvant Chemotherapy After Resection
Toshiyuki Moriya, Surgery, Okitama Public General Hospital, Yamagata Japan
Su1645 |
The Effect of Preoperative Renal Insufficiency on Postoperative Outcomes Following Pancreatic Resection: A Single Institution Experience of 1061 Consecutive Patients
Malcolm Hart Squires, III, Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology, Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Su1647 |
Clinicopathologic Features Influencing Survival in Patients with Resected Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma by Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Cynthia Weber, Surgical Oncology, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL
Su1648 |
A Comparison of the 2-Year Longitudinal Impact of Surgical Versus Endoscopic Pancreatic Pseudocyst Drainage on Healthcare Utilization and Morbidity
Jennifer Marie Whittington, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Su1649 |
Histological Degree of Islet Cells at Cut Margin Indicates Postoperative Glucose Metabolism Insufficiency After Distal Pancreatectomy
Masahiko Morifuji, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Sanmu Medical Center, Hiroshima University, Chiba Japan
Su1650 |
Preoperative Prediction of the “High-Risk Pancreas” by Artificial Neuronal Network Analysis of over 450 Pancreatoduodenectomies
Hryhoriy Lapshyn, Clinic for General and Visceral Surgery, University of Freiburg Medical Center, Freiburg im Breisgau Germany
Su1651 |
Activation of Pancreatic Enzyme Plus Bacterial Infection Plays an Important Role in the Pathogenic Mechanism of Clinically Relevant POPF After Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Kenichiro Uemura, Surgery, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima Japan
Su1652 |
Evolution of the Treatment of Gastroduodenal Artery Pseudoaneurysms and Mesenteric Arterial Hemorrhage Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Aram N. Demirjian, Surgery, University of California-Irvine, Orange, CA
Su1653 |
Trends in Pancreatic Surgery: Indications, Operative Techniques and Postoperative Outcome of 1120 Pancreatic Resections
Frank Makowiec, Dept. of Surgery, University of Freiburg, Freiburg Germany
Su1655 |
Is Frozen Section Histopathology of Any Value in Patients Undergoing Resection of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms?
Daniel Joyce, Department of General Surgery, Section of Surgical Oncology/HPB, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland , OH
Su1656 |
Endoscopic and Surgical Alternatives to Pancreaticoduodenectomy and Distal Pancreatectomy
Jennifer Kay Plichta, Surgery Department, Loyola University Medical Center, Oak Park, IL
Su1657 |
Central Pancreatic Resection
Vichin Puri, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Su1658 |
Impact of Pancreatoduodenectomy Complications on Adjuvant Therapy and Long-Term Outcomes for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Janak A. Parikh, Surgery, Indiana University Hospital, Indianapolis, IN
Su1659 |
Impact of Laparoscopic Approach on Postoperative Pain and Opioid Consumption After Pancreatoduodenectomy
Naru Kondo, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Su1660 |
Pre-Operative Lovenox Does Not Increase Blood Loss During Pancreaticoduodenectomy Compared to Heparin
William C. Conway, II, Surgical Oncology, Ochsner Medical Center, New Orleans, LA
Clinical: Small Bowel |
Su1661 |
Risk Factors for Postoperative Complications After Ileocecal Resection in Patients with Crohn’s Disease
Michael Simon Kasparek, Department of Surgery, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich Germany
Su1662 |
The First Validated Nomogram to Predict 30-Day Mortality Following Surgery for Small Bowel Obstruction
Wissam J. Halabi, Surgery, University of California-Irvine , Orange , CA
Su1663 |
Serum C-Reactive Protein as Predictor of Recurrence in Patients Undergoing Ileo-Colonic Resection for Crohn’s Disease: Results of a Longitudinal Prospective Study
Edoardo Iaculli, Tor Vergata, Rome Italy
Su1664 |
Predictors of Recurrence and Post Recurrence Survival in Patients with Resected Ampullary Adenocarcinoma
Irene Epelboym, Surgery, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY
Su1665 |
Adenomas of the Ampulla of Vater: A Comparison of Outcomes of Operative and Endoscopic Resections
Edwin Onserio Onkendi, Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, Rochester, MN
Su1666 |
Clinical Outcomes for Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Duodenum and Ampulla of Vater: A Population-Based Study
Reese W. Randle, General Surgery, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston-Salem, NC
Su1667 |
Laparoscopic Vs. Open Bilateral Inguinal Hernia Repair: A NSQIP Analysis
Muhammad Asad Khan, Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, NY
Clinical: Stomach |
 Su1668 |
Outcome of the Surgical Treatment of Gastric Cancer After Inauguration of the Neoadjuvant Concept Using a Systematic Multicenter Prospective Clinical Observational Study
Frank Meyer, Department of Surgery, University Hospital, Magdeburg Germany
 Su1669 |
The Tolerance to Volume Load, But Not the Reservoir or Emptying Capacity, Reflects the Patients’ Living States After Gastrectomy
Koji Nakada, Surgery, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo Japan
 Su1670 |
Predictors of Cardiopulmonary Complications Following Bariatric Surgery
John M. Morton, Surgery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Su1671 |
Long Term Recurrence and Survival Rates in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (GISTs) Treated by Minimally Invasive Surgery
Evangelos Sotiris Photi, Medicine, Norwich Medical School, Norwich United Kingdom
Su1672 |
Predictors of Lymph Node Involvement in T1 Gastric Carcinoma
Rima Ahmad, Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Su1674 |
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy as a Revision from Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band: One Year Results
Melissa Bagloo, Surgery, Columbia University, New York, NY
Translational Science: Colon-Rectal |
Su2127 |
Wild Homozygous VEGF-A and Cox-2 Gene Polymorphisms Are Associated to Worst Prognosis in Patients with Colorectal Cancer (CRC)
Michele T. Tomitão, Gastroenterology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP Brazil
Su2128 |
Age, Gender, and Folate Metabolism Polymorphisms Influence on Gene Promoter Methylation in CRC Patients
Roberto Spisni, Surgical Pathology, University of Pisa, Italy, Pisa Italy
Translational Science: Esophageal |
Su2129 |
Whole Exome Sequencing Revealed Putative Driver Mutations in Esophageal Cancer
Peter P. Grimminger, Department of General-, Visceral- and Tumor surgery , University Clinic Cologne, Cologne Germany
Translational Science: Other |
Su2130 |
Outcomes of Lung Transplant Patients with Severe GI Complications
Jennifer M. Hanna, General Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
Su2131 |
Per-Umbilical Laparoscopic Access
Rodrigo Arrangoiz, Surgery, American British Cowdray Medical Center, D.F., D.F. Mexico
Translational Science: Small Bowel |
Su2132 |
Dissociation of Activity of Ileal and Liver FXR Mediates Metabolic Effects in a Rodent Model of Bariatric Surgery
Stefano Fiorucci, Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale, University of Perugia, Perugia Italy