SUNDAY MAY 21, 2006
8:00 AM 8:05 AM
Barbara L. Bass, Houston, TX
Session I: Rectal Cancer
Moderator: H. Randolph Bailey, Houston, TX
8:05 AM 8:20 AM
Diagnosis, Staging, Imaging: Pretreatment Assessment and Planning
H. Randolph Bailey, Houston, TX
8:20 AM 8:35 AM
Selecting the Appropriate Surgical Approach
David A. Rothenberger, Roseville, MN
8:35 AM 8:50 AM
Efficacy of Preoperative Combined Modality Therapy for Rectal Cancer: Current Indications, Results and Future Directions
Jose G. Guillem, New York, NY
8:50 AM 9:05 AM
Quality of Life and Management of Locoregional Complications: Sexual Dysfunction, Genitourinary Complications, Radiation, Proctitis, Incontinence
Robin S. McLeod, Toronto, ON
9:05 AM 9:20 AM
Discussion: Q&A
Session II: Gastric Cancer
Moderator: Daniel G. Coit, MD
9:20 AM 9:35 AM
Early Mucosal Lesions: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Options
Irving Waxman, Chicago, IL
9:35 AM 9:50 AM
Surgical Management of the Primary Tumor: Operative Considerations
Mark P. Callery, Boston, MA
9:50 AM 10:05 AM
Palliative Management of Locoregional Unresectable Disease
Martin S. Karpeh, Stony Brook, NY
10:05 AM 10:20 AM
Adjuvant Therapies: Current Recommendations and Evolving Therapeutics
Daniel G. Coit, New York, NY
10:20 AM 10:40 AM
Discussion: Q&A
10:40 AM 11:00 AM
Session III: GI Tumor Potpourri
Moderator: Richard A. Hodin, Boston, MA
11:00 AM 11:15 AM
Primary GIST: Diagnosis and Management of Primary Tumors: Surgical and Adjuvant Therapies
Stanley W. Ashley, Boston, MA
11:15 AM 11:30 AM
Recurrent GIST: Optimal Integration of Surgical and Medical Therpeutics
Samuel Singer, New York, NY
11:30 AM 11:45 AM
Carcinoid Tumors: Clinical Presentation and Site Specific Management of Primary Tumors
Richard A. Hodin, Boston, MA
11:45 AM 12:00 PM
Carcinoid Tumors: Management of Hepatic Metastases and Carcinoid Syndrome
Sharon M. Weber, Madison, WI
12:00 PM 12:15 PM
Discussion: Q&A
12:15 PM 12:30 PM
Session IV: Video Session (Working Lunch)
Moderator: Barbara L. Bass, Houston, TX
12:30 PM 12:45 PM
Surgical Management of Multiple Hepatic Metastases
Yuman Fong, New York, NY
12:45 PM 1:00 PM
Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Neoplasms
David A. Kooby, Atlanta, GA
1:00 PM 1:15 PM
Proctectomy with Coloanal Anastomosis for Low Rectal Cancer
Matt Mutch, St. Louis, Missouri
1:15 PM 1:30 PM
Transgastric Surgical Procedures
Lee L. Swanstrom, Portland, OR
1:30 PM 1:45 PM
Totally Robotic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Myriam J. Curet, Stanford, CA
Session V: Crohn's Disease
Moderator: Fabrizio Michelassi, New York, NY
1:45 PM 2:00 PM
Extensive Jejuno-Ileal Disease: The Role of Bowel Sparing Procedures
Fabrizio Michelassi, New York, NY
2:00 PM 2:15 PM
Management of Complex Perineal Disease
Howard S. Kaufman, Los Angeles, CA
2:15 PM 2:30 PM
Crohn's Colitis: Management Considerations
Ann C. Lowry, St. Paul, MN
2:30 PM 2:45 PM
Biotherapeutics: Current and Evolving Options
William J. Sandborn, Rochester, MN
2:45 PM 3:00 PM
Discussion: Q&A
Session VI: Intestinal Failure
Moderator: Debra L. Sudan, Omaha, NE
3:15 PM 3:30 PM
Pathophysiology and Spectrum of Disease Management
Jonathan P. Fryer, Chicago, IL
3:30 PM 3:45 PM
Non-Operative Management and Treatment Options
Jon S. Thompson, Omaha, NE
3:45 PM 4:00 PM
Bowel Lengthening Procedures: Surgical Options
Debra L. Sudan, Omaha, NE
4:00 PM 4:15 PM
Intestinal Transplantation: New Practical Guidelines
Kareem M. Abu-Elmagd, Pittsburgh, PA
4:15 PM 4:30 PM
Discussion: Q&A
Session VII: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Moderator: Patrick R. Reardon, Houston, TX
4:30 PM 4:45 PM
Spectrum of Disease: Clinical Patterns and Diagnostic Tools
Brant K. Oelschlager, Seattle, WA
4:45 PM 5:00 PM
Surgical Management Options
Patrick R. Reardon, Houston, TX
5:00 PM 5:15 PM
Endoluminal Approaches
W. Scott Melvin, Columbus, OH
5:15 PM 5:30 PM
Evaluation and Management of Patients with Recurrent Disease
Jo Buyske, Philadelphia, PA
5:30 PM 5:45 PM
Discussion: Q&A
MONDAY MAY 22, 2006
8:00 AM 8:15 AM
SSAT Opening Session
403 A
Welcome and introduction of new members, announcements of SSAT scholarship awards, reports from the SSAT Foundation, recognition of the Foundation donors, and conferment of the Founders Medal.
8:15 AM 9:15 AM
Presidential Plenary Session
403 A
Moderator: Robert V. Stephens, Phoenix, AZ
1. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication (LNF) versus Proton Pump Inhibitors for Treatment of Patients with Chronic Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Mehran Anvari
1, Christopher J. Allen
2, ELVIS Research Group
1Surgery, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 2Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 3McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
2. Hospital Readmission Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Dawn M. Emick
1, Taylor S. Riall
2, John L. Cameron
1, Jordan M. Winter
1, Keith D. Lillemoe
3, JoAnn Coleman
1, Patricia K. Sauter
1, Charles J. Yeo
1Surgery, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD; 2Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX; 3Surgery, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN; 4Surgery, Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
3. Rates and Patterns of Recurrence for Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) and Open Wedge Resection for Solitary Colorectal Liver Metastasis
Rebekah White, I Avital, C Sofocleous, K Brown, L Brody, A Covey, G Getrajdman, W Jarnagin, R Dematteo, Y Fong, L Blumgart, M D'Angelica
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
4. Management of T2 N0 Rectal Tumors: Long-Term Randomized Study Comparing Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery Versus Laparoscopic Resections
Emanuele Lezoche
1, Mario Guerrieri
2, Angelo De Sanctis
2, Roberto Campagnacci
2, Maddalena Baldarelli
2, Giovanni Lezoche
1, Silvana Perretta
1Dpt of Surgery Paride Stefanini, University La Sapienza, Roma, Italy; 2Dpt. of Surgery, Polytechnical University of Marche, Ancona, Italy
9:15 AM 10:00 AM
Presidential Address
403 A
SSAT President Barbara L. Bass, MD, The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX
10:30 AM 11:15 AM
SSAT Plenary Session
403 A
Moderator: Barbara L. Bass, MD, Houston, TX
11:15 AM 12:00 PM
Guest Oration
403 A
Present and Future Advances in Surgical Technologies and Surgical Education
Jacques Marescaux, University Hospital of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
12:00 PM 2:00 PM
SSAT Poster Session
West Hall A
Authors available at their posters to answer questions 12:00 PM 2:00 PM; posters on display 8:00 AM 5:00 PM.
12:30 PM 1:45 PM
Meet The Professor Luncheons
Obesity Surgery: Which Procedure Is Best?
Ninh T. Nguyen, Orange, CA
Wilshire Grand L.A. Balboa Room
The Role of HAI vs. Systemic Chemotherapy After Liver Resection for CRC
William Jarnagin, New York, NY
Nancy Kemeny, New York, NY
Surgical Management of Non-Colorectal Liver Mets
Sharon Weber, Madison, WI
Wilshire Grand L.A. Glenwood Room
2:15 PM 3:45 PM
DDW Combined Clinical Symposia
Cystic Tumors Of The Pancreas
Concourse Hall 151
Sponsored by: AGA, ASGE, & SSAT
Co-Chairs: |
Michael L. Kochman, Philadelphia, PA
James Scheiman, Ann Arbor, MI
Clinical Evaluation: Cross-Sectional Imaging and EUS
Marcia Canto,
Baltimore, MD
Surgical Evaluation of the Patient with a Pancreatic Cyst
Jeffrey A. Drebin,
Philadelphia, PA
Developing a Rational Patient Care Approach to the Patient with a Pancreatic Cyst
James M. Scheiman,
Ann Arbor, MI
2:15 PM 3:45 PM
Treatment Of Hemorrhoids And Fissures
Concourse Hall 152
Sponsored by: ASGE, SSAT, & AGA
Co-Chairs: |
Rome Jutabha, MD, Los Angeles, CA
Ann C. Lowry, St. Paul, MN
Management of Fistulas
Michael J. Stamos,
Orange, CA
Management of Fissures
Mika Varma,
San Francisco, CA
Management of Hemorrohoids
Dean Jensen,
Los Angeles, CA
2:15 PM 5:00 PM
SSAT Plenary Session
402 A
Co-Moderators: |
Natalie E. Joseph, Philadelphia, PA
Howard S. Kaufman, Los Angeles, CA
9. Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Changes the Relationship Between pT And pN Status, and Their Prognostic Significance in Esophageal Cancer
Simon Law
1, Dora Kwong
2, Kam-Ho Wong
1, Ka-Fai Kwok
1, Jonathan Sham
2, John Wong
1Department of Surgery, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; 2Department of Clinical Oncology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
10. Hepatic Artery Chemoembolization in 122 Patients with Metastatic Carcinoid Tumor: Lessons Learned
Mark Bloomston
1, Osama Al-Saif
1, Bryan Palmer
1, Manisha Shah
2, E. Christopher Ellison
1, Gregory Guy
3, Edward W. Martin
1Surgery, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2Medicine, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 3Radiology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
11. Does Pancreatic Duct Stenting Decrease the Rate of Pancreatic Fistula Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy? Results of a Prospective Randomized Trial
Jordan M. Winter
1, John L. Cameron
1, Kurtis A. Campbell
1, David Chang
1, JoAnn Coleman
1, Patricia K. Sauter
2, Taylor S. Riall
3, Chris L. Wolfgang
1, Chris J. Sonnenday
1, Michael R. Marohn
1, Richard D. Schulick
1, Michael A. Choti
1, Charles J. Yeo
1Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD; 2Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA; 3Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX
13. Postoperative Pancreatic Fistulas Are Not Equivalent After Proximal, Distal, and Central Pancreatectomy
Wande Pratt, Shishir Maithel, Tsafrir Vanounou, Mark P. Callery, Charles M. Vollmer
Department of Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
14. The Durability of Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication: Ten Year Outcomes
Craig B. Morgenthal
1, A Stival
1, M D. Shane
1, N A. Gletsu
1, G Milam
1, V Swafford
1, J G. Hunter
2, C D. Smith
1Endosurgery Unit, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA; 2Surgery, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR
15. Gastrectomy as a Remedial Operation for Failed Fundoplication
Valerie A. Williams, Thomas J. Watson, Oliver Gellersen, Sebastian Feuerlein, Daniela Molena, Carolyn Jones, Lelan Sillin, Jeffrey H. Peters
Department of Surgery, Division of Thoracic/Foregut Surgery, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY
2:15 PM 5:30 PM
SSAT/AGA/ASGE State-Of-The-Art Conference
403 A
Management Of Diverticular Disease
Moderator: Scott A. Strong,
Cleveland, OH
Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis
Charles P. Heise, Madison, WI
Natural History of Diverticulitis
Clifford Y. Ko, Los Angeles, CA
Imaging and Interventional Techniques in Diverticulitis
Mark E. Baker, Cleveland, OH
Acute Diverticulitis of the Left Colon: Value of the Initial CT and Timing of Elective Colectomy
Patrick Ambrosetti, Geneva, Switzerland
Operative Treatment of Recurrent or Complicated Diverticulitis
Eric J. Dozois, Rochester, MN
4:00 PM 5:30 PM
DDW Combined Clinical Symposium
Hall 151
Controversies In The Treatment Of Rectal Cancer
Sponsored by: SSAT, ASGE, & AGA
Co-Chairs: |
Frank Gress, Durham, NC
Robin S. McLeod, Toronto, ON
Laparoscopic Surgery and Rectal Cancer
Matt Mutch,
St. Louis, MO
The Role of Local Excision in Rectal Cancer
Julio Garcia-Aguilar, San Francisco, CA
Role of Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Therapy in Rectal Cancer
Edith Miller, Philadelphia, PA
TUESDAY MAY 23, 2006
7:30 AM 9:00 AM
SSAT Video Breakfast Session
403 A
Co-Moderators: |
David M. Mahvi, Madison, WI
Attila Nakeeb, Indianapolis, IN
V4. Transgastric Repair of a Gastrogastric Fistula Following Laparoscopic Roux-Y Gastric Bypass
Kurt E. Roberts
1, Andrew J. Duffy
1, Walter E. Longo
1, Priya Jamidar
2, Robert L. Bell
1Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT; 2Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
8:30 AM 10:00 AM
SSAT Public Policy Committee Panel
402 A
A Medical Malpractice Primer: Adverse Events - What You Need To Know And Do
Moderator: James M. Becker,
Boston, MA
Definitions, Dos, and Don'ts
Steven M. Strasberg, St. Louis, MO
Advice from a Plaintiff's Attorney
Bruce Fagel, Los Angeles, CA
Risk Management in This Litigious Milieu
John C. Metcalfe, Long Beach, CA
8:30 AM 10:00 AM
SSAT/AHPBA Joint Symposium
402 B
Advanced Surgical Therapy For Pancreatic Cancer
Moderator: Theodore N. Pappas,
Durham, NC
Overview and Current Update on Dr. Whipple's Operation
J. Michael Henderson, Cleveland, OH
Extended Surgical Resection for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Bryan M. Clary, Durham, NC
Combined Modality Treatment for Localized Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Peter W.T. Pisters, Houston, TX
Laparoscopic Pancreatic Resection
Attila Nakeeb, Indianapolis, IN
10:00 AM 10:30 AM
ISDS Lecture
403 A
Liver Transplantation in AsiaBeyond the Titanic
ISDS President Chung-Mau Lo, University of Hong Kong Medical Center, Hong Kong, China
10:30 AM 11:15 AM
SSAT Plenary Session
403 A
Co-Moderators: |
Susan Galandiuk, Louisville, KY
Kenneth K. Tanabe, Boston, MA
19. Is a Peroperative End to End Anastomosis for a Bile Duct Injury Justified?
Philip R. de Reuver
1, Otto M. van Delden
2, Erik A. Rauws
3, Olivier R. Busch
1, Thomas M. van Gulik
1, Dirk J. Gouma
1Surgery, Amsterdam Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2Radiology, Amsterdam Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 3Gastroenterology, Amsterdam Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
20. Combination Therapy with TRA-8 Anti-Death Receptor-5 Antibody Significantly Reduces Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Cell Viability In Vitro and Growth In Vivo
Leo C. DeRosier
1, Zhi Huang
1, Jeffrey Sellers
2, Kurt Zinn
3, Donald Buchsbaum
2, Selwyn Vickers
1Department of Surgery, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL; 2Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL; 3Department of Medicine, University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL
21. Gallstones Containing Bacteria Are Biofilms: Bacterial Slime Production and Ability to Form Pigment Solids Determines Infection Severity and Bacteremia
Lygia Stewart
1, J. MacLeod Griffiss
2, Gary A. Jarvia
2, Lawrence W. Way
1Surgery, UCSF / SF VAMC, San Francisco, CA; 2Microbiology and Labarotory Scinece, UCSF / SFVAMC, San Francisco, CA; 3Surgery, UCSF, San Francisco, CA
11:15 AM 12:00 PM
State-Of-The-Art Lecture
403 A
Back to the Future: New Directions in Surgical Education
Jeffrey L. Ponsky, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH
12:30 PM 1:45 PM
Meet The Professor Luncheons
Medical vs. Surgical Management of Ulcerative Colitis
Fabrizio Michelassi,
New York NY, & Ellen J. Scherl,
New York, NY
Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery
Atilla Nakeeb, Indianapolis, IN
Wilshire Grand L.A. Verdugo Room
Multidisciplinary Management of Biliary Leaks/Injuries
Keith D. Lillemoe, Indianapolis, IN
Wilshire Grand L.A. Chandler Room
Preoperative Decision Making in the Difficult Patient with Pancreatic Cancer
Mark P. Callery, Boston, MA
Surgical Management of GI Neuroendocrine Tumors
Herbert Chen, Madison, WI
Wilshire Grand L.A. Sawtelle Room
Treatment of Villous Adenocarcinoma Endoscopy vs. Local Resect vs. Whipple
Carlos Fernandez-del-Castillo, Boston, MA
Wilshire Grand L.A. Balboa Room
2:15 PM 3:30 P
SSAT Plenary Session
402 A
Co-Moderators: |
Jeffrey B. Matthews, Cincinnati, OH
C. Max Schmidt, Indianapolis, IN
23. Rapid Re-Operation for Crohn's Disease
Mary Otterson, KR Theriot, David Binion, D Thameem, S Shidham, OA Hatoum, Sarah Lundeen, Gordon Telford
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
24. A New Drug Delivery System Targeting Ileal Epithelial Cells Induced Electrogenic Sodium Absorption: Possible Promotion of Intestinal Adaptation Following Total Colectomy
Sho Haneda
1, Kouhei Fukushima
1, Yuji Funayama
1, Chikashi Shibata
1, Ken-ichi Takahashi
1, Hitoshi Ogawa
1, Yasuhiko Tabata
2, Iwao Sasaki
1Surgery, Tohoku University, Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan; 2Institute for Frontier Medical Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
25. 1382 Pancreaticoduodenectomies for Pancreatic Cancer: A Single Institution Experience
Jordan M. Winter
1, John L. Cameron
1, Kurtis A. Campbell
1, David Chang
1, JoAnn Coleman
1, Patricia K. Sauter
2, Ralph H. Hruban
5, Taylor S. Riall
3, Richard D. Schulick
1, Michael A. Choti
1, Keith D. Lillemoe
4, Charles J. Yeo
1Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD; 2Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA; 3Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX; 4Surgery, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN; 5Pathology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
26. Successful Diaphragm Pacing in a Porcine Model with Natural Orifice Transvisceral Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES): Increasing the Options for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Patients
Raymond Onders
2, Michael McGee
2, Jeffrey Marks
2, Anthony Ignagni
2, Michael Rosen
2, Amitabh Chak
2, Ashley Faulx
2, Robert Schilz
2, Steve Schomisch
2, MaryJo Elmo
2, Jeffrey Ponsky
1University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH; 2Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
2:15 PM 3:45 PM
DDW Combined Clinical Symposia
Concourse Hall 151
Evidence-Based Management Of Obesity Surgery And Its Complications
Sponsored by: SSAT, ASGE, & AGA
Moderators: |
Bruce D. Schirmer, Charlottesville, VA
Richard Rothstein, Lebanon, NH
Effectiveness and Common Complications of Bariatric Surgery: Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Ninh T. Nguyen,
Orange, CA
Effectiveness and Common Complications of Bariatric Surgery: Lap Adjustable Gastric Band
Jeff W. Allen, Louisville, KY
Effectiveness and Common Complications of Bariatric Surgery: Biliopancreatic Diversion and Duodenal Switch
Peter F. Crookes, Los Angeles, CA
Medical Management of Complications After Bariatric Surgery
Lee M. Kaplan, Boston, MA
Emerging Endoscopic Treatments for the Treatment of Obesity
Lee L. Swanstrom, Portland, OR
3:30 PM 4:30 PM
SSAT Posters Of Distinction Quick Shots
402 A
Co-Moderators: |
Mark P. Callery, Boston, MA
Nathaniel J. Soper, Chicago, IL
P2. Targeting MEK with PD325901 Inhibits Hepatocellular Carcinoma Growth in TGF-a Transgenic Mice
Matthew Hennig
1, Patrick Klein
2, Navin Bansal
3, Nedumangalam Hekmatyar
3, Sabrina Wentz
1, Amanda Norris
1, Stephen Noble
1, Courtney Doyle
1, Huangbing Wu
1, Yufang Wang
1, Jean Campbell
4, Nelson Fausto
4, Glenn Merlino
6, Judith Sebolt-Leopold
7, C M. Schmidt
1Surgery, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN
2Pharmacology and Toxicology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN; 3Radiology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN; 4Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; 5Biology, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, Charlotte, NC; 6Molecular Genetics, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; 7Pfizer Global R&D, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI; 8Richard L. Roudebush VAMC, Indianapolis, IN
P3. Does Reflux Height Matter? A Study Of 1680 Patients
Guilherme M. Campos
1, Fernando Herbella
1, Ian Nipomnick
1, Marco Patti
1, Eric Vittinghoff
1Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; 2Epidemiology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
P4. Short Tandem Repeat Polymorphism in EXON 4 of Esophageal Cancer Related Gene 2 As a Prognostic Marker for Esophageal Carcinoma
Tamina Rawnaq
1, Jussuf T. Kaifi
1, Paulus G. Schurr
1, Michael Bubenheim
2, Oliver Mann
1, Emre F. Yekebas
1, Petra Merkert
1, Viacheslav Kalinin
1, Bjoern-Christian Link
1, Tim Strate
1, Guido Sauter
3, Klaus Pantel
4, Jakob R. Izbicki
1Department of General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 2Institute for Biometry, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 3Institute for Pathology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 4Institute for Tumor Biology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
P5. A Prospective Evaluation of an Algorithm Incorporating Routine Pre-Operative Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration in Suspected Pancreatic Cancer Patients
Mohamad Eloubeidi
1, shyam Varadarajulu
1, Shilpa Desai
1, Rhett shirley
1, Martin Heslin
2, Mohit Mehra
1, Juan P. Arnoletti
2, Isam Eltoum
3, C. Mel Wilcox
1, Selwyn Vickers
1Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Alabama at Birmigham, Birmingham, AL; 2Surgery, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL; 3Pathology, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL
P6. Detection of Microsatellite Alteration in Serum DNA As a Tool for Differentiation Between Benign and Malignant Diseases of the Pancreas
Robin Wachowiak
1, Jussuf T. Kaifi
1, Bjoern C. Link
1, Dean Bogoevski
1, Guellue Cataldegirmen
1, Uta Reichelt
2, Lars Wolfram
1, Jakob R. Izbicki
1, Emre F. Yekebas
1General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery, University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 2Institute of Pathology, University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
P7. Microsatellite DNA Alterations of Gastro-Intestinal Stromal Tumors Are Predictive for Outcome
Paulus G. Schurr
1, Stefan Wolter
1, Jussuf Kaifi
1, Uta Reichelt
2, Helge Kleinhans
1, Robin Wachowiak
1, Emre Yekebas
1, Tim Strate
1, Viacheslav Kalinin
1, Hansjoerg Schaefer
1, Izbicki Jakob
1Department of General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery, University Medical Center Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; 2Department of Pathology, University Medical Center Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
3:30 PM 5:00 PM
SSAT/ASCRS Joint Symposium
403 A
Minimally Invasive Approaches To Rectal Disease
Moderator: Mark H. Whiteford, Portland, OR
Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery Resection of Rectal Tumors
Mark H. Whiteford, Portland, OR
The STARR Procedure for Rectocele
C. Neal Ellis, Mobile, AL
Laparoscopic Restorative Proctocolectomy for Ulcerative Colitis
David W. Larson, Rochester, MN
Laparoscopic Management of Rectal Prolapse
Conor P. Delaney, Cleveland, OH
4:00 PM 5:30 PM
DDW Combined Clinical Symposia
Concourse Hall 151
Surgery In The Cirrhotic Patient
Sponsored by: AASLD & SSAT
Co-Moderators: |
Patrick Kamath, Rochester, MN
David M. Mahvi, Madison, WI
The Hepotologist's Viewpoint
Lawrence Friedman,
Newton, MA
The Anesthesiologist's Viewpoint
David Plevak, Rochester, MN
The Surgeon's Viewpoint
W. Scott Helton, Chicago, IL
2:00 AM Call: Management Of GI Emergencies
Concourse Hall 152
Sponsored by: ASGE, AGA, & SSAT
Co-Moderators: |
John G. Lee, Orange, CA
Ken McQuaid, San Francisco, CA
GI Bleeding, When to Scope, When to Sleep?
Ian Mark Gralnek,
Los Angeles, CA
Cholangitis: What's a Real Emergency?
John G. Lee, Orange, CA
Foreign Bodies: What Gets Into People Anyway?
Greg Ginsberg, Philadelphia, PA
Emergency Potpourri: Caustic Ingestions, Trauma, and Acute Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction
John Patrick Cello, San Francisco, CA
5:00 PM 6:00 PM
SSAT Business Meeting
403 A
7:00 PM 9:00 PM
SSAT Members Reception
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
8:30 AM 10:00 AM
SSAT Plenary Session
403 A
Co-Moderators: |
L. William Traverso, Seattle, WA
Edward E. Whang, Boston, MA
27. Effect of Location and Speed of Diagnosis on Anastomotic Leak Outcomes in 3838 Gastric Bypass Patients
Sukhyung Lee
2, Brennan Carmody
1, Luke Wolfe
1, Eric DeMaria
1, John M. Kellum
1, Harvey Sugerman
1, James W. Maher
1Surgery, Va. Commonwealth U., Richmond, VA; 2Surgery, William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, TX
28. Treatment of Gastric Adenocarcinoma Based on Institution Type/Approvals Category in the United States
Kaye M. Reid
1, Lina Patel
3, Jaffer Ajani
3, John H. Donohue
3, Members of the Gastric PCE Project The
1General Surgery, Mayo Clinic - Rochester, Rochester, MN; 2GI Medical Oncology, M.D. Anderson, Houston, TX; 3American College of Surgeons, Commission on Cancer , Chicago, IL
30. A R0 Resection Accomplished with Minimal Blood Loss Is the Surgeons Contribution to Long-Term Survival in Pancreatic Cancer
Thomas J. Howard, Joseph E. Krug, Jian Yu, Christian M. Schmidt, Lewis E. Jacobson, James A. Madura, Eric A. Wiebke, Keith A. Lillemoe
Surgery, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN
31. Efficacy of Preoperative Combined 18-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography for Assessing Primary Rectal Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy
Genevieve B. Melton
1, William C. Lavely
2, Heather A. Jacene
2, Richard D. Schulick
1, Michael A. Choti
1, Richard L. Wahl
2, Susan L. Gearhart
1Department of Surgery, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD; 2Department of Nuclear Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD
32. Patterns of Local Failure and Survival for Non-Operative Treatment of Stage c0 Distal Rectal Cancer Following Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy
Angelita Habr-Gama
1, Rodrigo O. Perez
1, Afonso H. Sousa
1, Fabio G. Campos
1, Igor E. Proscurshim
1, Wladimir Nadalin
2, Desiderio R. Kiss
1, Joaquim Gama-Rodrigues
1Gastroenterology, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, Sao Paulo, Brazil; 2Radiology, Univeristy of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, Sao Paulo, Brazil
8:30 AM 10:00 AM
SSAT Education Committee Panel
402 A
Bariatric Surgery Training: Getting Your Ticket Punched
Moderator: Daniel B. Jones, Boston, MA
Philip R. Schauer, Cleveland, OH
Fellowship Model (One-Year)
C. Daniel Smith, Atlanta, GA
Epidemiology: The Whole Truth
David R. Flum, MPH, Seattle, WA
Zero Tolerance for Bad Outcomes: An Achievable Goal?
Bruce D. Schirmer, Charlottesville, VA
10:30 AM 12:00 PM
DDW Combined Clinical Symposium
Concourse Hall 151
Care Of The Liver Transplant Patient In A Non-Transplant Center
Sponsored by: AGA, AASLD, & SSAT
Co-Chairs: |
Emmet B. Keeffe, Palo Alto, CA
John Moore Vierling, Los Angeles, CA
When to Refer for Liver Transplantation
J Eileen Hay,
Rochester, MN
Immunosuppression and Its Long-Term Consequences
Kelly Burak, Rochester, MN
Management of Recurrent Disease
Norah Terrault, San Francisco, CA
10:30 AM 12:00 PM
SSAT Plenary Session
403 A
Co-Moderators: |
Joerg Haier, Muenster, Germany
Janice F. Rafferty, Cincinnati, OH
36. Ileorectal Anastomosis for Slow Transit Constipation: Long-Term Functional and Quality of Life Results.
Imran Hassan
1, John H. Pemberton
1, Yi-Qian N. You
1, Ernesto R. Drelichman
1, Doris M. Rath-Harvey
1, Cathy D. Schleck
2, Drik R. Larson
2, Tonia M. Young-Fadok
1Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; 2Section of Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
38. Enteral Immunonutrition During Sepsis Prevents Pulmonary Dysfunction in a Rat Model
Jorg Glatzle
1, Michael S. Kasparek
1, Tobias Meile
1, Jutta Hahn
1, Mario H. Mueller
2, Martin E. Kreis
2, Alfred Konigsrainer
1, Wolfgang Steurer
1General Surgery, University, Tuebingen, Germany; 2General Surgery, University of Munich, Munich, Germany
12:00 PM 3:00 PM
SSAT/SAGES Joint Symposium
403 A
Controversies In Minimally Invasive Colorectal Surgery
Co-Moderators: |
Bruce D. Schirmer, Charlottesville, VA
Tonia M. Young-Fadok, Scottsdale, AZ
Controversy #1: Is Severe Obesity a Contraindication to Performing a Laparoscopic Colectomy?
Anthony J. Senagore,
Cleveland, OH
Peter W. Marcello, Burlington, MA
Controversy #2: Is the Hand Device a Good Bridge to Overcome the Learning Curve and in Selected Cases?
Garth Hadden Ballantyne, Hackensack, NJ
Thomas Read, Pittsburgh, PA
Controversy #3: Should Proctocolectomy and IPAA Be Done Totally Laparoscopically?
Tonia Young-Fadok, Scottsdale, AZ
but Laparoscopic-Assisted
Charles Friel, Charlottesville, VA
Controversy #4: Should Pelvic Dissection for Rectal Cancer Be Performed Laparoscopically?
Matthew Mutch, St. Louis, MO
but Laparoscopic-Assisted
Richard L. Whelan, New York, NY
Controversy #5: Should Both Laparoscopic and Open Approaches Be Offered to All Patients with Colon Cancer?
Barry A. Salky, New York, NY
Richard P. Billingham, Seattle, WA
12:30 PM 1:45 PM
Meet The Professor Luncheons
Management of Necrotizing Pancreatitis
Stanley W. Ashley,
Boston, MA
Wilshire Grand L.A. Fernwood Room
Management of GI Stromal Tumors
Todd W. Bauer, Charlottesville, VA
2:15 PM 3:45 PM
DDW Combined Clinical Symposium
The Right Therapy At The Right Time: Evidence-Based Management Options For Crohn's Disease
Concourse Hall 151
Sponsored by: SSAT & AGA
Co-Chairs: |
Barbara L. Bass, Houston, TX
Steve Hanauer, Chicago, IL
What Are Appropriate End Points for Medical and Surgical Trials in Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
Brian Feagan,
London, ON
Management of Complex Perineal Disease
Zane Cohen, Toronto, ON
Stricturing Disease: Determining Factors in Surgical Management of Jejunoileal and Colonic Disease
Fabrizio Michelassi, New York, NY
Step up or Top Down: Therapeutic Choices to Optimize Disease Control
William J. Sandborn, Rochester, MN