Flexible Endoscopic Cricopharyngeal Myotomy for Zenker’S Diverticulum
Richard a. Pierce*, Danny V. Martinec, Trudie a. Goers, Erwin Rieder, Lee L. Swanstrom
Minimally Invasive Surgery, Legacy Health System, Portland, OR
Treatment of symptomatic Zenker’s diverticuli has traditionally been via a transcervical excision of the diverticulum with a cricomyotomy, or endoluminal division of the septum between the esophagus and diverticulum using a rigid laparoscopic GIA stapler. When these approaches are not feasible or desirable, a cricopharyngeal myotomy may be performed through a flexible endoscopic approach. This video demonstrates the procedure using a standard endoscope and needle-knife, specialized dissecting tips, and endoscopic clips for wound edge approximation. The operation is quick and straightforward, and results in a one night patient stay with excellent emptying of the diverticulum and no leak.
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