Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy for Rectal Prolapse
Pierpaolo Sileri*, Vito M. Stolfi, Domenico Benavoli, Luana Franceschilli, Lodovico Patrizi, Achille Gaspari
Surgery, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Laparoscopic Ventral Rectopexy (LVR) is a novel procedure for internal/external rectal prolapse, with excellent outcomes and minimal morbidity. It improves obstructed defecation symptoms, without inducing new-onset constipation, evident with posterior rectopexy. A preoperative multidisciplinary workup and selection is mandatory. Ideal surgery should correct anatomy, preserve/improve function, treat anterior/middle compartments, avoid sequels and be mini-invasive. In this video, LVR resumes all these key qualities: anterior rectal mobilization (avoiding autonomic nerve injury), use of a mesh (biologic/not) to support anterior wall and middle compartment, all through mini-invasive approach.
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