Intra-Operative Ultrasound During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: a Video Library
Jason M. Pfluke*, Michael Parker, Horacio J. Asbun, C. Daniel Smith, Steven P. Bowers
Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, FL
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is one of the most commonly performed surgical operations in the United States. Despite this, bile duct injuries remain problematic. Intra-operative ultrasound (IOUS) performed during LC has been reported to decrease the risk of bile duct injury, provide cost-savings compared with routine use of intra-operative cholangiogram, and lower the conversion rate to open cholecystectomy. IOUS is relatively easy to perform, but few surgeons routinely utilize this technique. We present a video library of normal and abnormal ultrasound findings during LC in an effort to assist other surgeons in mastering this valuable skill.
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