Laparoscopic Placement of a Novel Anti-Reflux Device
Noam Belkind, Kari Thompson, Julieta Paleari, Ozanan R. Meireles, Michael Sedrak*, Garth R. Jacobsen, Bryan J. Sandler, Mark A. Talamini, Santiago Horgan
Surgery, UCSD, San Diego, CA
Introduction: We present a novel anti-reflux device that augments the function of the LES to improve GERD symptoms.Methods: A 63 yo male was enrolled in an IRB approved trial for placement of a novel anti-reflux device. Following port placement, an ultrasonic dissector was used for dissection. A retrogastric window was then created. The novel anti-reflux device was then secured around the esophagus. Results: Post-operative barium swallow illustrated correct placement of the device. No perioperative complications were observed and GERD symptoms had resolved at follow-up.Conclusions: The novel anti-reflux device presented here is a new option for the treatment of GERD that can be safely placed laparoscopically.
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