Modified Single Incision Laparoscopic Gastric Band Placement with Intracorporeal Gastric Retraction
Lauren B. Mashaud*, Emmanuel Eisenstein, Homero Rivas, Daniel J. Scott
UT Southwestern Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
This video illustrates intracorporeal tissue retraction techniques during a modified single incision adjustable gastric band procedure. The single incision procedure was modified by using a second incision for liver retraction. We used an intracorporeal retractor device (spring loaded graspers connected by a small wire) to hold tension on the fundus and the lesser curve such that suitable exposure was afforded. This strategy obviated the need for an additional laparoscopic instrument and trocar and minimized instrument conflicts. Intracorporeal rectractor devices seem beneficial in performing single incision laparsoscopic surgery and techniques should be further refined.
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