A Standardized Approach to Minimally Invasive Transhiatal Esophagectomy
James Lopes, Steven N. Hochwald, Kfir Ben-David*
General Surgery, Univeristy of Florida, Gainesville, FL
We present a case of a 76 year old male patient who was diagnosed with an esophageal cancer in the distal third of his esophagus. This was biopsy proven to be adenocarcinoma and staged by endoscopic ultrasound as a T2,N1 lesion. After receiving appropriate neoadjuvant chemoradiation, the patient was brought to the operating room for a transhiatal minimally invasive esophagectomy. Although there a variety of ways to perform the operation, we demonstrate our technique in attempts to standardize the operation. The benefits of our operative methods have led to improved patient outcomes, when compared to the results of open esophagectomies, as well as optimal oncologic treatment.
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