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Helicobacter Pylori Has No Influence in Distal Gastric Cancer Survival
Renata S. Santos, José Eduardo V. LourençO, Fernando a. Herbella*, Jose C. Del Grande
Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
INTRODUCTION: There is evidence that H. pylori is correlated with distal gastric cancer genesis. However, few studies analyzed the survival related to H. pylori infection. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to correlate gastric cancer survival and Helicobacter pylori infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 68 patients with distal gastric cancer that underwent subtotal gastrectomy were studied. Minimal follow-up was 1 month. H. pylori infection was confirmed by biopsy. RESULTS: 34 patients [19 males (55.9%), mean age 60.9 ± 14.03, range 33-82)] were H. pylori positive. 34 patients [16 males (47.1%), mean age 57.9 ± 13.97 and range 27-85] were H. pylori negative. Groups were comparable in regards to age (p = 0.4), gender (p = 0.5), stage [T (p = 0.2), N (p = 0.6) and M (p = 0.9)]. Comparison survival between groups wasn’t significant [p=0.1616 (Hazard ratio 0.6834, 95% CI 0.4009 to 1.1647)]. CONCLUSIONS: Helicobacter pylori infection does not affect distal gastric cancer survival.
Survival According to H.pylori status
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