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2012 Annual Meeting Posters: Sunday, May 20, 2012
53rd Annual Meeting
May 18 - 22, 2012
San Diego Convention Center - San Diego, California
during Digestive Disease Week®
Program (Subject to Change)
Last Updated 02/13/12
All rooms at San Diego Convention Center unless otherwise indicated.
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The SSAT Poster Sessions will be held in Halls C-G of the San Diego Convention Center, from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Authors will be at their posters to answer questions from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Designated presenting authors listed. View a complete author string with abstract by clicking on the poster title.
indicates a Poster of Distinction.
Sunday, May 20, 2012 |
Basic: Colon-Rectal |
P1 The Tumor Associated Antigen P-Cadherin (CDH3) in Colorectal Cancer Holds Promise as a Prognostic Marker Rather Than as Specific Immunotherapy Target
C. M. Shantha Kumara H, Surgery, St Luke Roosevelt Hospital, New York, NY
P2 The Tumor Suppressive Effects of HPP1 via STAT Signaling in Colon Cancer Are Abrogated by Site-Directed Mutation of Its EGF-Like Domain.
Abul Elahi, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL
Basic: Esophageal |
P4 Development of a Robust Stricture Model to Assess Therapeutic Interventions Following Circumferential Endoscopic Esophageal Submucosal Dissection
Eric M. Pauli, Surgery, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH
Basic: Pancreas |
P5 Aging Is Related to Increased Intestinal Damage and Bacterial Translocation in Acute Pancreatitis in Rats
Ana Maria M. Coelho, Gastroenterology, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Brazil
P6 Positive Correlation Between Serum Phosphate Levels and Acute Pancreatitis Severity in a Rat Model of Pancreatitis Induced by Sodium Taurocholate.
Guilherme da Silva Mazzini, Biochemistry, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre Brazil
P7 IL-33 Inhibits Proliferation and Induces of Apoptosis of Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Michael Nicholl, Surgery, Surgical Oncology, University of Missouri, Ellis Fischel Cancer Center, Columbia, MO
Basic: Small Bowel |
P8 Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Decrease Postoperative Adhesions with a Single Intraoperative Dose by Targeting Early Events in Adhesiogenesis
Michael Ryan Cassidy, Surgery, Boston University Medical Center, Boston, MA
P9 The Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARB) Losartan Decreases Post-Operative Intraabdominal Adhesions by Modulating Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) and Oxidative Stress Pathways
Melanie L. Gainsbury, Surgery, Boston University Medical Center, Boston, MA
Clinical: Biliary |
P10 MRCP Is Not a Cost Effective Strategy in Management of Common Bile Duct Stones
Irene Epelboym, Surgery, New York Presbyterian, Columbia University, New York, NY
P11 The Role of Intraoperative Fluorocholangiography During the Advance Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Era
Harsha Jayamanne, Department of Surgery, Royal Gwent Hospital, Chepstow United Kingdom
P12 Risk Factors, Pattern of Onset and Result of Treatment of Recurrence After Liver Resection of Peri-Hilar and Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Andrea Ruzzenente, Chirurgia Generale A , Policlinico GB Rossi, Verona Italy
P13 Experiences from the Use of Peroral Cholangio-Pancreaticoscopy as a Routine Diagnostic Work Up Tool in a Tertiary Referral Center.
Lars Enochsson, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Surgery, CLINTEC, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm Sweden
P14 Transvaginal NOTES Cholecystectomy: Retrospective Analysis of Immediate Post-Operative Pain
Stephanie Wood, Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven , CT
P15 Follow-Up of Ultrasound–Detected Gallbladder Polypoid Lesions
Amir Kambal, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport United Kingdom
P16 Incidence of Cystic Duct Stones During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Amir Kambal, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport United Kingdom
P17 Biliary Stone Disease (BSD) and Its Complications in Patients Under 25 Years
Anibal Rondan, Department of Surgery, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Argentina
Clinical: Colon-Rectal |
P18 The Prognostic Value of Plasma TIMP-1 in Resectable Colorectal Cancer: A Prospective Validation Study
Hans Jørgen Nielsen, Surgical Gastroenterology, Hvidovre Hospital, Hvidovre Denmark
P19 Quality of Life After Surgery for Colorectal Cancer: A Multicentric Prospective Study
Cesare Ruffolo, II Department of Surgery (IV unit), Regional Hospital Cà Foncello, Treviso, Treviso Italy
P20 Single-Site Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Provides Similar Costs to Patients and Hospitals Compared to Standard Laparoscopic Surgery
Evangelos Messaris, Colon and Rectal Surgery, PennState University, Hershey, PA
P21 The Impact of a Dedicated Acute Care Surgery Clinical Care Pathway for Suspected Appendicitis on Diagnostic Imaging and Flow Through the Emergency Department
Chad G. Ball, Surgery, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Canada
P22 Laparoscopic or Open Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis (IPAA): Which Approach to Use and When?
Usama Ahmed Ali, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
P23 Pre-Operative Colonoscopic Localization of Tumour with Tattoo: A Re-Audit of Current Practice at a District General Hospital
Sofoklis Panteleimonitis, General Surgery, Northampton General Hospital, Northampton United Kingdom
P24 Right Sided Diverticulitis (RSD): Highly Successful Non-Operative Management and Low Recurrence Rate
Juan Emilio Arminan, General Surgery, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Canada
P25 Impact of Obesity on Operation Performed, Complications and Long Term Outcomes in Terms of Restoration of Intestinal Continuity for Patients with Mid and Low Rectal Cancer
Erman Aytac, Colorectal Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland, OH
P26 Stoma Reversal in Patients Who Underwent Low Anterior Resection and Diversion Stoma for Rectal Cancer
Wong-Hoi She, Department of Surgery, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Hong Kong
P27 Robotic Low Anterior Resection with Trans-Anal vs.Trans-Abdominal Extraction
Christopher Ryan Oxner, City Of Hope, Duarte, CA
P29 Quality of Life of Patients Presenting with Hemmorhoidal Disease: The Importance of Using the Right Tool for the Right Question to Get the Right Answer
Vriti Advani, Surgery, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, IL
P30 Impact of Opioid-Related Adverse Events (ORAE) on Length of Stay (LOS) and Hospital Costs in Patients Undergoing a Laparoscopic Colectomy
Sonia Ramamoorthy, UCSD, La Jolla, CA
P31 Role of Fecal Diversion in Pediatric Colorectal Crohn's Disease in the Era of Anti-TNF-α Therapy
Artur Chernoguz, Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
P33 Surgical Approach to Perineal Dissection Does Not Influence Radial Margin After Abdominoperineal Resection
Sekhar Dharmarajan, Surgery, Washington Univ, St. Louis, MO
Clinical: Esophageal |
P34 Neoadjuvant Therapy Influences Lymph Node Ratios and Overall Survival Without Decreasing Total Node Harvest
Renato Abrantes Luna, General Surgery, OHSU, Portland, OR
P35 Esophagectomies Employing Thoracic Incisions Carry Increased Pulmonary Morbidity
Neil H. Bhayani, Providence Portland Cancer Center, Portland, OR
P36 The Status of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter at Rest and the Degree of Esophageal Acid Exposure in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Shahin Ayazi, Surgery, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
P37 Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy and the Lymph Node Ratio (LNR) Are the Strongest Prognostic Factors After Esophageal Resection for Cancer
Frank Makowiec, Dept. of Surgery, University of Freiburg, Freiburg Germany
P38 Surgical and Endoscopic Treatments for Achalasia: A Single Institution Comparison of 190 Patients
Amy Kim Yetasook, Surgery, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Chicago, IL
P39 High Resolution Motility Assessment of the Esophageal Body in Patients with Paraesophagel Hiatal Hernia
Stefan Niebisch, Department of Surgery, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY
P40 Efficacy and Safety of Self-Expanding Plastic Stent (SEPS) in the Management of Esophageal Disorders
Yuk Law, Surgery, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong Hong Kong
P41 Impact of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy on Survival in Carcinoma Esophagus: A Decade’s Experience
Rajesh Gupta, Surgical Gastroenterology Division, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh India
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P42 Is Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Really Idiopathic?: Patterns of Reflux Analyzed by Bi-Positional High-Resolution Manometry and Hypopharyngeal Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance
Toshitaka Hoppo, Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA
P43 The Multidisciplinary Management of Esophageal Perforations
Arzu Oezcelik, General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University of Essen, Essen Germany
P44 Hybrid Ivor-Lewis Oesophagogastrectomy: Results of the First 100 Cases and a Novel Way of Analysing Performance
Geoffrey Roberts, Upper GI Surgery, MEHT, Chelmsford United Kingdom
P45 Outcomes After Transhiatal and Transthoracic Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer
Eileen Bock, Surgery, Loyola University Chicago, Health Sciences Campus, Maywood, IL, IL
P46 Venous Thromboembolism in Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Esophagogastric Carcinoma
Achal Khanna, Surgery, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester United Kingdom
P48 Methylene Blue (MB) Test Versus Contrast Study (CS) in the Detection of Anastomotic Leak Following Oesogephactomy: A Prospective Study of 58 Patients
Adriana Rotundo, Upper GI Surgery, MEHT, Chelmsford United Kingdom
P49 Defining the Learning Curve for Robotic-Assisted Esophagogastrectomy
Jonathan Matthew Hernandez, Surgery, H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL
Clinical: Hepatic |
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P50 Risk Factors for Postoperative Mortality After General Surgery in 231 Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
Frank Makowiec, Dept. of Surgery, University of Freiburg, Freiburg Germany
P51 Single Hepatocellular Carcinoma Less Than 3 cm in Cirrhotic Livers: Is Resection Better Than Ablation?
Cesare Ruffolo, II Department of Surgery (IV unit), Regional Hospital Cà Foncello, Treviso, Treviso Italy
P52 Safety and Outcomes Following Resection of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases in the Era of FOLFOX
Ilia Gur, surgical oncology, OHSU, Portland, OR, OR
Clinical: Pancreas |
P55 Underuse of Surgical Therapy of Gastrointestinal Cancer in the United States
Attila Dubecz, Surgery, Klinikum Nürnberg, Nurnberg Germany
P55.5 Serum Lipid Levels Are Associated with the Severity of Acute Pancreatitis
Juhani Sand, Tampere University Hospital, Tampere Finland
P56 Intra-Abdominal Pressure in Acute Pancreatitis: Canary in Coal Mine? Result After a Rigorous Validation Protocol
Vimal Bhandar, Surgery, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, Delhi India
P57 Reconsideration of Safety and Efficacy of Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Periampullary Cancers in Elderly Patients Aged >= 80 Years
Seiji Oguro, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo Japan
P58 Which Is More Useful as a Predictive Marker of Adjuvant Gemcitabine-Based Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Carcinoma After Surgical Resection, Human Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter 1 or Ribonucleotide Reductase Regulatory Subunit M1 Expression?
Naoya Nakagawa, Department of Surgery, Division of Clinical Medical Science, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima university, Hiroshima Japan
P59 Failure to Receive Adjuvant Therapy Following Resection for Pancreatic Cancer: Patterns and Implications
Russell Shepherd Lewis, Jr, Surgery, The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
P60 Retrospective Audit of Management of Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Unit (ITU) with Severe Acute Pancreatitis (SAP)
Omer Jalil, Royal Gwent Hospital, Upper GI Surgery, Newport United Kingdom
P61 Rare Benign Cystic Lesions of the Pancreas Mimicking Premalignant Neoplastic Cysts
Harish Lavu, Department of Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
P62 Robotic Spleen Preserving Distal Pancreatectomy Is Safe and Feasible
Paritosh Suman, Surgery, The Daniel and Gloria Blumenthal Cancer Center, Harlem Hospital Center, The Valley Hospital, New York, NY
P63 Quality Measures Have Improved Survival in Pancreatic Cancer: A 21-Year Population-Based Study
Danielle M. Hari, Surgical Oncology, John Wayne Cancer Institute, Santa Monica, CA
P64 Indicator for Proper Management of Surgical Drains Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Kenichiro Uemura, Surgery, Hiroshima Univ, Hiroshima Japan
P65 Autologous Islet Cell Transplantation After Extended/Total Pancreatectomy for Treatment of Chronic Pancreatitis: A Single Institution Experience
Avinash Agarwal, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
P66 National Trends in Resection of the Distal Pancreas
Armando Rosales-Velderrain, General Surgery, Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, FL
P67 The Association Between Survival and the Pathologic Features of Peri-Ampullary Tumors Varies over Time
Jennifer K. Plichta, Surgery, Loyola University, Maywood, IL
P68 Epidural Use During Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Nicolas Zea, General Surgery, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA
P69 Major Complication and Open Approach Are Predictors of Prolonged Hospital Stay After Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Michael J. Ferrara, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
P70 Defining Resection Margins in Pancreatic Cancer After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy
Alan Adolph Thomay, Fox Chase Cancer Center , Philadelphia, PA
Clinical: Small Bowel |
P71 Somatostatin Analogues for the Treatment of Enterocutaneous Fistulas: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Shaun Coughlin, Surgery, university of western Ontario, London, ON Canada
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P72 Timing of Pre-Operative Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy Does Not Affect Early Post-Operative Complication Rates in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Undergoing Intestinal Resection
Daniel J. Stein, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee , WI
P73 Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) Evaluation in the Surgical Treatment of Duodenal and Peri-Ampullary Adenomas
Lilian C. Azih, General Surgery, University of Alabama Birmingham, Vestavia Hills, AL
P74 Early Versus Late Adhesiolysis for Adhesive-Related Intestinal Obstruction: A Nationwide Analysis of Inpatient Outcomes.
Daniel I-Hsin Chu, Department of Surgery, Boston University Medical Center, Boston, MA
Clinical: Stomach |
P75 Evaluation and Treatment of Gastric Stimulator Failure
Nancy Salloum, Digestive Diseases , University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS
P76 Thromboembolic Events After Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band: Identification of High-Risk Factors
Chad Gonczy, SIU School of Medicine, Springfield , IL
P77 Changes in Quality of Life Before Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Morbidity Obesity and After a Short and Long Term Follow-Up
Rafael Melillo Laurino Neto, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Sao Paulo Brazil
P79 Laparoscopic Gastric Pacer Therapy for Medical Refractory Diabetic and Idiopathic Gastroparesis
Poochong Timratana, Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
P80 Assessment of Muscular Loss After Bariatric Surgery Through Bioimpedancy
Wilson Rodrigues Freitas, Jr, Surgery, Santa Casa Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Brazil
P81 Timing of Resolution of Comorbidities in Patients with Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB) N=698
David A. Nguyen, Surgery, SkyLex Advanced Surgical Inc., Santa Monica, CA
P82 Is Laproscopic Single Stage Bilio-Pancreatic Diversion Safe in the Super-Morbidly Obese?
Sidhbh Gallagher, Department of Surgery, Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PA
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P83 Laparoscopic Median Arcuate Ligament Release: Are We Improving Symptoms?
Kevin Michael El-Hayek, Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
P84 Is Weight Loss Correlated with Race in Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB) Patients? Yes
Grace J. Kim, Surgery, SkyLex Advanced Surgical Inc., Santa Monica, CA
Translational Science: Colon-Rectal |
P85 Surgeon Leadership Enables Development of a Colorectal Cancer Biorepository
Daniel O. Herzig, Department of Surgery, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR
P86 Bacterial Genomic Sequences Within Submucosal Tissues Suggest Distinct Populations Within the Crohn's Disease Spectrum
Brian Richard Davis, Surgery, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TX
Translational Science: Esophageal |
P87 Evaluation of Clinical Predictors of Epcam Over-Expression in Patients with Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
Erik Matthew Dunki-Jacobs, Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Translational Science: Small Bowel |
P88 Evidence for the Hindgut Hypothesis After Ileal Interposition Associated with Sleeve Gastrectomy: Increased Number of GLP-1-Producing Cells in Interposed Ileum and Pancreatic Islets in Rats
Helene Johannessen, Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Translational Science: Stomach |
P89 Overexpression of ADP-Ribosylation Factor 1 (ARF1) in Human Gastric Cancer and Its Clinicopathological Significance
Chia-Siu Wang, Department of General Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi, Putz city Taiwan