Background: Gastrojejunostomy stricture after gastric bypass occurs 3-27% of the time. Technique can influence this rate, but we questioned whether there were patient factors that contribute to stricture rates. Methods: Retrospective review of prospective database was performed. From 11/01 to 11/05, 1352 patients underwent laparoscopic gastric bypass at a single institution. The technique of transoral EEA 21mm stapler was utilized in all patients. Linear regression was performed on all data points to identify risk factors for postoperative stricture. Results: 76 patients developed postoperative stricture (5.6%), all of which were treated by endoscopic dilation. Of all the preoperative comorbidities, only Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease was statistically significant. (p<0.05) Postoperative complications including intraabdominal hematoma and abscess were significant. (p<0.05) Excess weight loss was similar in both groups at one year. (83.1% stricture vs. 82.6% non-stricture). Conclusions: Neither BMI, male gender, nor major preoperative comorbidities are indicators of postoperative stricture rate in gastric bypass patients.