Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
Back to 2006 Program and Abstracts
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy is an Effective Primary Procedure for Morbid Obesity
Thomas Hirai1, Hazem A. Elariny1, Howard D. Reines1, Michael Sheridan2, Oscar Chan1; 1Surgery, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church, VA; 2Medicine, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church, VA

Background: Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) has gained acceptance as the first part of a 2-stage procedure in individuals with super morbid obesity (BMI>55), and has increasingly been suggested as a primary operation for morbid obesity. Methods: 84 patients underwent SG from Feb. 2001 to May 2002. Forty six patients had a follow up > 1 year (average of 34 months). 32 patients had a BMI <= 55 and 14 patients had a BMI > 55. All patients were followed until a 2nd-stage procedure occurred or for the length of their follow up. Success was defined as an EBWL of >45%. Patients with BMI >55 were not subjected to the success/fail demark as 2nd stage intervention usually precluded this analysis. The SG procedure was performed using the lesser curve gastric tube fashioned over a 60F bougie. Results: Of the 46 patients, 70% were females, average age was 40.5 years and average BMI was 51.9. There were no deaths, no leaks, and no re-operations for complications. Patients with BMI<=55, achieved success 66% of the time (21/32) and these patients achieved an average EBWL of 71% (95% CI = 65% to 78%). As compared to 11 failures (34%) in this group with an average EBWL of 23% (95% CI = 14% to 32%). This remarkable difference reached statistical significance (p <.0001). Conclusion: These data show that over a 3 year follow up, SG performed as a primary procedure in MO patients with a BMI <= 55, is successful in fully two-thirds of patients and achieves an EBWL of 71%. These results are comparable to gastric bypass historical data. Although, longer follow-up and a larger cohort is required to validate these results and to assess the validity and efficacy of SG for patients with a BMI > 55, our data suggest that sleeve gastrectomy is a viable and reasonable alternative to gastric bypass.

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