Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
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Shaimaa Elkholy*, Karim Essam, Hany Haggag, Abeer A. Abdellatef, Kerolis Yousef, Dalia Abd El-Kareem, Mohamed El-Sherbiny
Cairo University KasrAlainy Center of Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, Cairo, Egypt

Classic steps of ESD are marking, injection, circular incision followed by submucosal dissection. However, multiple modification had been made to make it much easier. For example, Pocket creation method in which a short tunnel is created below the lesion. Here we present Bridge technique in ESD in which we start with the oral (ceacal side of the lesion) followed by anal side (forward) and then communicating both together forming a bridge. This bridge will help a lot in performing counter traction that helps in easier & more precise dissection with limiting the use of traction devices especially in the colorectal lesions.

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