Laparo-Endoscopic Single Site (LESS) Morgagni Hernia Repair and Toupet Fundoplication
Sharona B. Ross*1,2, Harold Paul1,2, Kenneth Luberice1,2, Farhaad C. Golkar1,2, Alexander S. Rosemurgy1,2
1Surgery, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL; 2Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, FL
In this video we have expanded the applications of LESS surgery to treat an uncommon condition. The operation was undertaken through a 12mm incision at the umbilicus using a multi-trocar port and a 5mm deflectable tip laparoscope. Loops of intrathoracic small bowel and colon were reduced. The diaphragmatic defect was repaired using non-absorbable mesh and a laparoscopic tacking device. The distal esophagus was circumferentially dissected and the gastric fundus was mobilized by dividing the short gastric vessels. After reconstructing the esophageal hiatus, a 270° fundoplication was constructed over a bougie. The umbilical defect was closed and the skin approximated with excellent cosmesis.
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