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2006 Abstracts: Transgastric Repair of a Gastrogastric Fistula following Laparoscopic Roux-Y Gastric Bypass
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Transgastric Repair of a Gastrogastric Fistula following Laparoscopic Roux-Y Gastric Bypass
Kurt E. Roberts1; Andrew J. Duffy1; Walter E. Longo1; Priya Jamidar2; Robert L. Bell1. ; 1. Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT;
2 Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT

The successful repair of a Gastrogastric fistula following laparoscopic Roux-Y Gastric Bypass via the transgastric approach is presented.
Laparoscopically the stomach was pulled up to the abdominal wall and a gastrotomy was performed. The endoscope was inserted. Transorally a wire was passed thru the fistula into the gastric remnant. Clips to close the fistula were unsuccessful. A second Trocar was placed into the abdomen/gastric remnant. The gastrogastic fistula was successfully closed using an endostitch device. A stapler was used to close the two gastrotomies.
The transgastric repair of a gastrogastric fistula is safe and can be recommended as a treatment for gastrogastric fistulae.

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