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Cesar D. Quiroz Guadarrama*2, Felipe Giron1, martin edgardo rojano rodriguez2, Gontrand lopez nava3, Natan Zundel4
1General Surgery, Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota, Bogota, Colombia; 2Clinica del Noroeste, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; 3Hospital de Sanchinarro, Madrid, Madrid, Spain; 4Florida International University, Miami, FL

Weight regain following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is a common challenge in bariatric surgery, often linked to anatomical changes such as dilation of the gastrojejunal anastomosis. Transoral Outlet Reduction (TORE) has emerged as a minimally invasive endoscopic revisional procedure to address this issue. This study evaluates the safety, clinical experience, and early intraoperative outcomes of TORE performed in a high-volume bariatric center.
To describe safety, clinical experience, and early intraoperative outcomes of Transoral Outlet Reduction (TORE) in a high-volume bariatric center in 2024.
A retrospective observational study was conducted using a prospectively obtained database. The study included all patients who underwent Transoral Outlet Reduction (TORE) between January and December 2024. All patients desired a revisional endoscopic option. Data collected included baseline demographics, intraoperative findings, and postoperative outcomes. Variables analyzed comprised operative time, procedural details, complications, and endoscopic findings. Statistical analyses were performed as appropriate to variable nature.
15 patients underwent TORE. 40 % were males and 60 % mfrales, with a mean age of 42.2 ± 10.4 years. The mean preoperative body mass index (BMI) was 38.7 ± 7.4 kg/m2. Mean operative time was 32.7 ± 15.6 minutes. No intraoperative complications were presented. 13.3% of patients presented postoperative pain with a mean value in the analogue scale of 1, 0% presented nausea and vomiting. No reinterventions were required, and the mean hospital stay was 4.9 hours. No other early complications were observed.
Transoral Outlet Reduction (TORE) is a safe and effective revisional endoscopic procedure with favorable early outcomes. In this series, TORE demonstrated no intraoperative complications, minimal postoperative pain, and a short hospital stay. These findings support the role of TORE as a viable option for patients experiencing weight regain after bariatric surgery. Long-term follow-up studies are necessary to evaluate sustained efficacy and weight-loss outcomes.
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