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Metincan Erkaya*, Salih N. Karahan, Kamil Erozkan, Ali Alipouriani, Joshua Sommovilla, Scott Steele, Emre Gorgun
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH

Endorobotic submucosal dissection (ERSD) using the Da Vinci Single Port platform enables 3D visualization and precise dissection for the distal colorectal lesions. This study aims to evaluate the long-term outcomes, broader applicability, and efficacy of ERSD in a larger patient cohort over an extended follow-up period.

We conducted a retrospective analysis of 67 patients who underwent ERSD using the Da Vinci SP platform between 2020 and 2024. Patient demographics, lesion characteristics, procedural details, pathological findings, and long-term outcomes were systematically analyzed. The primary objectives of this study were to evaluate recurrence rates, long-term complications, and oncological outcomes associated with the ERSD procedure.

The study included 67 patients who underwent ERSD. The median age of the patients was 59 years (IQR: 18), with 59.7% (n=40) being male. The mean body mass index was 28.6 ± 6.1 kg/m2. The median distance of lesions from the anal verge was 9 cm (IQR: 6.1-11.4 cm). The median operative time was 76 minutes (IQR: 55.5-98). Regarding defect closure, 29 cases had no closure, 23 had suture closure, and 14 had clip suture closure. The mean estimated blood loss was 8.8 ± 14.2 ml. The median specimen size was 38 mm (range: 13-100 mm), with a mean greatest dimension of 4.5 ± 2.9 cm. En-bloc resection was achieved in 91.0% (n=61) of cases. The median length of hospital stay was 0 days (IQR: 0-0), demonstrating that all patients were discharged on the same day. Final pathology results revealed tubulovillous adenomas (TVA) as the most common finding (n=33), followed by adenocarcinoma (n=16), tubular adenomas (TA) (n=10), sessile serrated adenomas (SSA) (n=3), villous adenoma (VA) (n=1), colonic mucosa with fibrosis (n=1), neuroendocrine tumor (n=1), and hyperplastic polyps (n=2). During follow-up, benign regrowth was observed in 3 cases, with no malignant recurrences.

This long-term study demonstrates that ERSD is not only safe and feasible but also provides durable results with low recurrence rates and minimal long-term complications in distal colorectal lesions. These findings support the broader application of ERSD as a viable alternative to traditional surgical and flexible endoscopic approaches for selected colorectal lesions.

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