Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract

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Mohammad Alomari*, Courtland Polley, Mathew Thomas, Enrique F. Elli, Steven Bowers
General surgery, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL

This video demonstrates problems associated with mesh hiatoplasty and techniques for surgical remediation.Permanent mesh hiatoplasty has not been proven to prevent hiatal hernia recurrence and has been shown to increase morbidity of subsequent operation.This report showcases minimally invasive technique of removal of all foreign material from the hiatus, reduction of recurrent hiatal hernia, and takedown of previous fundoplication to enable endoscopic diagnosis of pulsion type esophageal diverticulum and dictate therapy consisting of Heller myotomy,stapled diverticulectomy, Dor fundoplication.Adherence to fundamental principles of Foregut surgery is vital to remediation of difficult problems
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