1997 Abstract: 33 Preoperative mapping with MRI predicts complete ablation by cryosurgery in patients with hepatic metastases.
Abstracts 1997 Digestive Disease Week
Preoperative mapping with MRI predicts complete ablation by
cryosurgery in patients with hepatic metastases.
LB Johnson, TS Krebs, JJ Wong, B Daly, PC Kuo, JS Plotkin, M Njoku, D Van
Echo. University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
Cryosurgery extends the surgical options for patients with hepatic
metastases. Selection for cryosurgery includes unresectable lesions less than 6
cm. in size and is generally limited to less than 6 total lesions. More
importantly, the position of lesions away from major hepatic veins or major
branches of the portal vein predicts complete ablation with cryosurgery.
Preoperative mapping of metastases with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can
demonstrate proximity to major vessels which will serve as "heat sinks"
and prevent complete necrosis of the metastasis. We retrospectively reviewed the
preoperative MRI or computed tomography of patients who underwent cryosurgery
from 12/94 to 12/96. Metastases were identified and mapped for any border less
than 1 cm. from a major hepatic vein or branch of the portal vein. Data are
expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was performed with Fisher
Exact test or Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test, as appropriate. Forty-seven patients
were referred for cryosurgery between 12/94 and 12/96. Thirteen patients were
selected for cryosurgery. Eight of these patients underwent combined cryosurgery
and hepatic resection. A total of 19 lesions were ablated with cryosurgery.
Eight lesions were within 1 cm of a major portal vein branch or hepatic vein.
All eight (100%) of these lesions were incompletely ablated, while 7 of 8
lesions greater than 1 cm from a major hepatic vessel were completely ablated,
as determined by intraoperative ultrasound and postoperative MRI.
Size Predicted Confirmed Incomplete
(CM) by MRI intraop U/S ablation
Lesions < 1 cm 5.25 ±0.4# 8 8 8/8 (100%)*
Lesions > 1 cm 2.31 ±0.3 8 8 1/8 (12%)
# P < 0.01 vs. Lesions > 1 cm., * P > 0.01 vs. Lesions < 1 cm.
Conclusions; 1) Incomplete ablation commonly occurs in lesions that encroach
within 1 cm of major branches of the hepatic veins or portal vein. 2)
Preoperative mapping of metastases can predict ability for complete ablation. 3)
Combined hepatic resection with cryosurgical ablation may be a preferred
modality for patients with limited bilobar disease with metastases that encroach
upon major hepatic vessels.