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Michael Klingler*1, Kevin M. El-Hayek2
1Digestive diseases and surgery, Cleveland Clinic and Foundation, Cleveland, OH; 2MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, OH

Here, we present an interesting case of a 65-year-old man with a primary pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET) in the distal tail of the pancreas. Given the tumor size and location, the decision was made to proceed with a robotic enucleation in order to preserve the patient’s spleen. The video highlights the fine technical movements of the robotic console and the need for judicious use of intraoperative ultrasound to guide dissection. Potential pitfalls and complications, such as pancreatic fistulae, are also discussed. The operative management of smaller PNETs remains controversial, although the robotic platform may be a useful tool when the decision is made to enucleate these tumors.

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