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Naruhiko Ikoma*, Mariela Blum, Jeannelyn Estrella, Keith Fournier, Paul Mansfield, Jaffer Ajani, Brian Badgwell
Univ. Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Definitions of the extent of D1 and D2 lymph node (LN) dissection have been modified in a Japanese classification of gastric cancer. Recent editions include left gastric artery (#7) LN in the recommended extent of D1 LN dissection, but this recommendation has not been validated by Western institutions, and National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines still categorize #7 LNs as a part of the N2 LN group. We sought to investigate the frequency of #7 LNs metastases and the survival impact of #7 LNs metastases in gastric cancer.
We reviewed data from a prospectively maintained database of gastric cancer patients who had undergone resection of gastric or gastroesophageal cancer at our institution between 2003 and 2016. Frequencies of #7 LNs metastases were calculated. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to examine risk factors for #7 LNs metastases and the impact of these metastases on overall survival, adjusted by pathological N stage (AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 7th Edition).
We identified 173 patients who had undergone gastrectomy for gastric or gastroesophageal cancer and had a separate pathologic assessment of #7 LNs. Median age was 64 years, and 56% were male. Of these patients, 114 (66%) were treated with preoperative therapy, most commonly with chemoradiation therapy (47%, 81/173). D1+/D2 LN dissection was performed in the vast majority of patients (97%, 167/173); the median number of LNs examined was 26 (interquartile range, 20-34), and the median number of #7 LNs examined was 5 (interquartile range, 3-8). We identified 22 patients (13%) who had #7 LNs metastases, which accounted for 35% (22/63) of pN-positive patients. No preoperative factors (including age, gender, resection year, preoperative therapy, tumor location, histologic grade, signet-ring cell, or pretreatment EUS T and N stages) were significantly associated with #7 LNs metastases by univariate or multivariate analysis, although a trend was observed with type of procedure; patients with #7 LNs metastases underwent total gastrectomy more frequently (59%, 13/22) than did those without (36%, 54/151; odds ratio 0.42, 95% confidence interval 0.17-1.05; p=0.063). Patients with #7 metastases had shorter overall survival (Fig. 1) compared with other pN-positive patients (hazard ratio 2.00, 95% confidence interval 1.02-4.78; p=0.048). However, this association did not remain significant after adjustment by pN stage (hazard ratio 1.53, 95% confidence interval 0.68-3.43; p=0.306).
#7 LNs metastases were common in gastric cancer, but their survival impact was not significant after adjustment by pN stage. No preoperative factors were helpful in identifying patients with #7 LNs metastases. #7 LNs should be routinely dissected in gastric cancer patients.

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