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The Size of Epigastric Trocar Influences Pain in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized Trial Between 5 mm and 10 mm Epigastric Trocars and Influence on Post Operative Pain
Ramesh Ardhanari*, Mohan Narasimhan, Avinash Sowdepalli G.I.Surgery, Meenakshi Mission Hospital, Madurai, India
Aim of this study is to compare the post operative pain between 10mm and 5mm epigastric ports in conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy 292 patients undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy over 2 years from our institute were included in this study. They were randomized into two groups using Computerized Randomized Tables between 5mm and 10 mm trocars. Visual Analogue Scale was used to measure the post operative pain.This was recorded at fixed times after operation.All anaesthetic and surgical interventios were kept same for both groups. The statistical analysis will be performed by STAT11.1 (College Station, TX USA). Chi Square test is used to find the association between the two categorized variables. Among 292 patients, 145 patients belong to Group A who received 5mm epigastric incision and 147 patients belong to Group B who received 10mm epigastric incision. The difference in mean post operative pain score between the two groups, at each time, is found statistically significant with a p-value of <0.001.Hence it is concluded that the post operative pain is significantly low in patients of 5mm group, when compared with that of in patients of 10mm group. The number of analgesic doses received post operatively is compared between the two groups.The statistical significance in difference between the two groups is found to be significant with a p-value of <0.0001. Hence it is concluded that the patients in 5mm group required less number of analgesic doses, when compared with 10mm group. In conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy, by decreasing the epigastric port size from 10mm to 5mm, there is a significant decrease in post operative pain, especially in the early post operative period and also there is less consumption of analgesics in post operative period.
Pain scores in both groups
  Pain scores in both groups
 Analgesic doses in both grouos
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