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High Levels of CD4+ T Cell Is Associated to Recurrence/Relapse After Clinical Complete Response After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Squamous Cell Cancer of the Thoracic Oesophagus
Marco Scarpa*1, Matteo Fassan2, Vincenza Guzzardo2, Andromachi Kotsafti1, Francesco Cavallin1, Rita Alfieri1, Matteo Cagol1, Melania Scarpa1, Vanna Chiarion-Sileni3, Ignazio Castagliuolo4, Massimo Rugge4, Carlo Castoro1
1Oncological Surgery Unit, Regional Centre for Oesophageal Disease, Veneto Institute of Oncology, Padova, Italy; 2Department of Medicine, University of Padua, Padova, Italy; 3Veneto Institute of Oncology, Padova, Italy; 4University of Padua, Padova, Italy

Background Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CT-RT) before esophagectomy is standard management for locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the esophagus and in several cases, it can lead to complete response (CR). The aim of this study was to identify possible immunological predictors of cancer persistence/recurrence in patients who had a clinical CR after neoadjuvant CT-RT.
Patients and methods Twenty-seven consecutive patients with SCC of the thoracic oesophagus with clinical CR to neoadjuvant CT-RT were included in this retrospective study. Ten patients underwent oesophagectomy (CT-RT+oesophagectomy), while 17 (CT-RT) were not operated on because they were considered unfit for surgery or refused the operation. Imunohistochemistry for PD1, PDL1, CD80, CD4 and CD8 was performed on tumor biopsies taken at diagnosis. Outcome details were retrieved and recurrence/relapse rate was compared. Non parametric combination test was used for small sample size comparison.
Results In the CT-RT+esophagectomy group, clinical CR was confirmed after histological examination of the surgical specimen in 8/10 (80%) patients. Mucosal expression of PD1, PDL1 and CD80 did not show any association with recurrence/relapse of SCC. On the contrary, all patients with high infiltration of CD4+ T cell recurred/relapsed while only the 38.9% of those with low CD4+ T cell infiltration did the same (p=0.04). Moreover, low level of CD8+ T cell tended to be associated to high recurrence/relapse rate (p=0.09).
Conclusion In our group of patients with clinical CR after neoadjuvant CT-RT for SCC of the thoracic oesophagus high infiltration level of CD4+ T cell was associated to recurrence/relapse. These preliminary observations might be used to plan further study aimed to identify reliable predictors of response to chemoradiation in SCC.

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