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Ethical Conflicts in the Surgical Treatment of Gastrointestinal Malignancies
Alberto R. Ferreres*, Anibal J. Rondan, Marcelo Fasano, Natalia Bongiovi, Gustavo Alarcia, Alejo S. Ferreres, Rosana Trapani
Department of Surgery, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Introduction: surgical care of patients with diagnosis of gastrointestinal malignancies involve ethical conficts and decision making to manage these issues requires specific knowledge and expertise . The four ethical principles as introduced by Beauchamp and Childress (respect for autonomy, beneficence, non maleficence and justice) provide a framework for the solution of these issues when arising in clinical practice
Objective: to examine prospectively the incidence and the cause of ethical conflicts which lead to a surgical ethics consultation during the process of surgical care of patients with diagnosis of gastrointestinal malignancies
Methods: a total of 105 ethical conflicts through the treatment care of 100 patients with gastrointestinal malignancies (of a total of 488) were identified during 2010. Mean age was 58.2 +/- 13.7 years (range: 28 to 96), 56 were females. Two of the authors with expertise in surgical ethics participated when intervention was requested and assisted with the conflict management and resolution.
The following situations were identified and some patients presented more than one:
1. Issues involving surgical informed consent process (information, refusal to proposed treatment, cognitive status and competency, surrogates role in future decisions): 35 (33.33 %)
2. Implementation of palliative care: 21 (20%)
3. Advance directives: 15 (14.28%)
4. Advice regarding alternative treatments and "miracle cures": 13 (12.38%)
5. Futile treatments: 7 (6.66%)
6. DNR orders: 6 ( 5.71%)
7. Truth telling: 4 (3.80%)
8. Challenges to develop a trustful surgeon-patient relationship: 2 (1.90%)
9. Surgical residents participation in the procedure. 2 (1.90%)
All the conflicts were managed satisfactorily, no need for change of surgical teams was required and no professional liability claims were filed in the following 23 months.
- Ethical guidelines and expertise are needed in the management of gastrointestinal malignancies to achieve adequate and patient-oriented decision making
- Surgical decision making in these diseases need to include patient preferences, quality of life and contextual issues to provide sound surgical judgement, with preeminence of respect for autonomy
- Ethical conflicts will probably increase in the future and surgical ethics knowledge will prove to be at the core of surgical training
- A change of paradigm is envisioned to achieve and provide an optimal surgical care: from the curative model with the goal of curing to the palliative model with the concern to relief suffering

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