Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
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Laparoscopic Assisted Transanal Sigmoidectomy (Latas): a Bridge to Notes?
Joep Knol*1, Eric J. Dozois2
1Digestive Surgery, MZNL Hospital Overpelt, Overpelt, Belgium; 2Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

The combination of standard laparoscopy and specimen extraction through a natural orifice has the potential to decrease wound related complications. We describe a new technical approach to laparoscopic sigmoidectomy in which the specimen is extracted transanally using a TEM-like proctoscope. Laparoscopic assisted transanal sigmoidectomy (LATAS) could be considered an alternative minimally invasive approach in patients with benign disease of the sigmoid colon. A 44-year-old male with recurrent diverticular disease of the sigmoid colon was consented to undergo the LATAS procedure. Operating time was 92 minutes, no perioperative or postoperative complications occured.

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