Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
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Rigid and Flexible Trocars for Notes Access in Human Anatomy
Monika E. Hagen*1, Oliver J. Wagner1, Philippe Morel2, Santiago Horgan1, Mark a. Talamini1, Paul Swain1
1Department of Surgery, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA; 2Division of Digestive Surgery, University Hospital Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Introduction: Trocars are successfully used during conventional laparoscopy and might also be suitable for NOTES. We hypothesized that trocars can be used during NOTES for rapid and safe access through several natural orifices. Materials and Methods: A video about trocars for NOTES access in human anatomy was produced.Results: The video shows the application of different rigid and flexible trocars for NOTES in human cadavers transgastrically, transrectally and transvaginally.Conclusions: Tocars appear very valuable as they may be used through almost any natural orifice in different way. Still, adjustments to standard laparoscopic trocars would make them more suitable for NOTES.

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