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The Meaning of Measuring the Amylase Level of Acites in Pancreatic Fisturla
Takeshi Nishi*, Yasunari Kawabata, Yoshimitsu Minari, Tsuneo Tanaka
Shimane University Graduate School of Medicine, Izumo, Japan

<Background>Despite progress in operative technique and developments in postoperative management, postoperative pancreatic fistula (PF)still occur about 5-30%,and sometimes developed morbid complication.But the criteria for PF was not established before. In 2005,the ISGPF(International Study Group on Pancreatic Fistura) has proposed a new criteria for pancreatic fistula based on clinical parametersThe purpose of this study is to assessment of pancreatic fistula followed by the ctiteria, and examine the meaning of measuring the amylase level of acites in PF.<Methods>Between April 2006 and June 2008,32 patients underwent pancreas resection at Shimane University Graduate School of Medicine,and we measured the amylase level of ascites from the drain. They were retrospectively analyzed about the amylase level of acites and another clinical data.<Result> age and sex: 69.1(47-83),Male ;12,Female ;20,Disease:carcinoma of pancreas;15,intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms or cystic neoplasms ;6,carcinoma of distal bile duct ;6,carcinoma of ampulla of Vater;5, Operation method:Pancreaticoduodenectomy;24,distal pancreatectomy;7, partial pancreatectomy;1,PF:No PF;13 (40.6%), Grade A fistulas;12(37.5%), grade B;6(18.8%), and grade C;1(3.1%). There was significant difference in the amylase level of acites between No PF group and PF group,but no difference between the grade. And in the group of grade B and C,5 patients (71%) were developed high amylase level of acites after 7th post operative day.<Conclusion>In the diagnosis of PF,to measure the amylase level of acites followed by the ISGPF criteria is useful, but it is not correlative with the PF grade.

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