Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
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Pancreatic Cancer (CaP) Actual Survival At Ten Or More Years; Does Therapy Influence Survival?
Avram Cooperman1,2, Howard W. Bruckner1,2, Harry Snady1,2, Michael G. Wayne*1,2, Franklin Kasmin1,2, Seth a. Cohen1,2, Hillel S. Hammerman1,2, Jerome H. Siegel1,2
1Surgery, St. Vincents Hospital, New York, NY; 2Pancreas & Biliary Center, St. Vincent's Hospital, New York, NY

Actual 10+ yr survival with CaP is uncommon. Most 5 yr survivors die of disease before the 7th yr. One review noted only 13, 10+ yr survivors.Between 1994-2001, 180 Pancreaticoduodenal resections (PDR) were done; 80 for CaP. Thirteen survived 5 or more years (17%). Ten survive(d) ten + yrs (13%). Two others are well at 83, 91 months. One pt. died of metastases from CaP or a subsequent lung cancer at 84 months. 5 other patients treated prior to 1994 survive(d)10+ years.Three treatments were used; surg alone (S), surgery & adjuvant therapy (S&A), or neoadjuvant therapy & surgery (N+S). Of all 10+ yr survivors 2 had (S); 5 (S+A), and 8 (N+S). Two pts survive at 83 & 91 mos after S+A. In this series nearly all 5+ yr survivors of CaP, live(d) 10+ yrs. Nearly all had intense multi-drug chemotherapy; 8/15 10+ yr survivors had unresectable CaP initially and underwent surgery after neoadjuvant therapy .Conclusions: Most 10 yr survivors had neo-adjuvant treatment prior to PDR. The anticipated mortality from metastases was not seen 5+ yrs after surgery, in S+A, or N+S (13/15 survivors). Additional studies, re. N+S are warranted to determine if this improves resectability & prolongs survival with CaP.

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