Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
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Medical and Surgical Treatment of Chronic Anal Fissure: Prospective Longer-Term Results
Pierpaolo Sileri*, Vito M. Stolfi, Marco Venza, Michele Grande, Stefano D' Ugo, Marco D'Eletto, Alessandra Di Giorgio, Achille Gaspari
Surgery, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Background: we previously assessed the efficacy of different medical and surgical treatments for chronic anal fissure (CAF). In this prospective audit we present longer-term results of this study in a larger series.Patients and Methods: From 01/04 to 09/08, 294 patients with typical CAF were enrolled. All patients were treated with 0.2% nitroglycerin ointment (GTN) or anal dilators (DIL) for 8 weeks. Those patients in which no improvement in symptoms was observed after 8 weeks were crossed to the other treatment (GTN or DIL) or switched to a combination of the two. Persisting symptoms after 12 weeks or recurrence were indications for either botulinum toxin injection into the internal sphincter and fissurectomy (BTX) or LIS. Primary end-point was fissure healing at last follow-up. Secondary end-points were symptomatic improvement, need for lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS), and side effects. Differences between treatment groups were evaluated by chi square test. Results: patients' demographics, fissure characteristics and treatment results are resumed in Table 1. Mean follow-up was 36±17 months. Recurrence rate after 12 weeks treatment was similar between GTN and DIL (11.5% vs 9.3%). Overall fissure healing after medical treatment was 69.7% without significant differences between GTN (57.2%), DIL (66.9%) or a combination of the two (59.5%). Side effects (GTN) or severe discomfort (DIL) were observed in 13.2% of the patients. Thirty patients were treated with BTX and 64 underwent LIS (including BTX failures). At the end of the follow-up healing rates were 83.3% after BTX and 100% after LIS. No morbidity or postoperative incontinence were observed in both surgical groups.Conclusions: This study confirms that LIS is far more effective than medical treatments for CAF. However, BTX injection/fissurectomy as first line treatment may significantly increase the healing rate while avoiding any risk of incontinence.
Table 1: patients' demographics, fissure characteristics and treatment results.

Number 173 121 42 30 64
Mean Age (years) 41 43 43 38 45
Sex (M/F) 80/93 52/69 28/14 11/19 27/32
Fissure position
Ant 19 18 8 2 15
Post 145 97 32 26 47
Both/other 9 6 2 2 2
Single treatment (12 weeks) success N/% 95/173 (54.9%) 75/121 (61%) NA NA NA
Recurrence 11/95 (11.5%) 7/75 (9.3%) NA NA NA
After cross-over healing N/% 20/50 (40%) 16/32 (50%) 17/42 (40.4%) NA NA
Recurrence 5/20 (25%) 3/16 (18.7%) 4/17 (23.5%) NA NA
Overall success N/% 99/173 (57.2%) 81/121 (66.9%) 25/42 (59.5%) 25/30 (83.3%) 64/64 (100%)

NA= not applicable

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