The Effect of Preoperative Nutritional Education On Bariatric Surgery Outcomes
Whitney S. Orth, David S. Tichansky*, Atul K. Madan
Department of Surgery, University of Tennessee HSC, Memphis, TN
Introduction: Laparoscopic gastric bypass (LGB) and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) are two common weight loss procedures. Nutrition education (NE) is assumed to be an integral part of success following bariatric surgery. Unfortunately, some patients do not or are unable to attend NE classes. This investigation studies the effect of NE on bariatric surgery outcomes. We hypothesize that patients who attend NE classes (ANE) will have better weight loss and follow up than those patients who do not attend NE classes (NANE).
Methods: During a 1-year period, all preoperative patients were informed of available NE classes. The NE class attendance was optional and classes were offered during daytime and evening hours. The patients were then divided into two groups: ANE and NANE. Weight and body mass index (BMI), percent excess body weight loss (%EBWL), and follow up compliance were recorded.
Results: There were a total of 210 patients included in this study: 75 ANE and 135 NANE. Of the 75 ANE patients 50 had LGB and 25 had the LAGB. Of the 135 NANE patients, 81 had the LGB 54 had the LAGB. Preoperative BMI did not differ between ANE and NANE, or between any of the subgroups. In the ANE group 85% of patients had complete 1-year follow-up versus 67% of NANE (p<0.004). In subgroup analysis, LGB patients had an 88% follow-up rate in the ANE group versus 70% in the NANE group (p<0.03). The LAGB subgroup had an 80% follow-up rate for the ANE versus 61% in the NANE group (p=0.125). In the LAGB subgroup, ANE patients had greater EBWL compared to NANE patients (46% v. 34%; p<0.03). In the LGB subgroup, EBWL did not differ between ANE and NANE (70% v. 67%; p=0.38).
Conclusions: Preoperative nutritional education classes are associated with greater weight loss in LAGB patients. Patients attending preoperative nutritional education classes are more likely to be compliant with postoperative follow-up.
2007 Program and Abstracts | 2007 Posters