Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
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Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) Is Important for Hepatic Regeneration Following Partial Hepatectomy
Xiaodan Ren, Kent Johnson, Roscoe Warner, Lisa M. Colletti, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI

Hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis are major features of hepatic regeneration after partial hepatectomy (hep). Matrix remodeling is also important in this process; recent studies have shown increases in matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and matrix metalloproteinase-2 in the context of partial hep and liver regeneration. We postulated that MMP's may be important in the hepatic regenerative process after partial hep. To investigate this hypothesis, MMP-9's effects on hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis after 70% hep was studied using MMP-9 knock out (ko) mice. Wild type (WT) or MMP-9ko mice underwent 70% hep or sham laparotomy and were sacrificed on post-operative day 2, 3, or 5. Liver wt/total body wt ratios and BrdU staining were measured as estimates of hepatocyte proliferation; TUNEL staining measured hepatocyte apoptosis. Liver wt/total body wt ratios in the MMP-9ko mice were lower than WT after hep at all time points; this was statistically significant on day 5 (MMP-9ko: 2.68±0.08 vs WT: 3.06±0.08, p<0.05). There were no significant differences noted in the sham operated controls. BrdU staining confirmed a slower and more prolonged period of hepatocyte proliferation in MMP-9ko versus WT mice after hep. This was significant on day 2 (MMP-9ko: 117.5±19.3 BrdU+cells/LPF vs WT: 191.1±21.4 BrdU+cells/LPF, p<0.05) and day 3 (MMP-9ko: 100.2±13.9 BrdU+cells/LPF vs WT: 35.5±3.5 BrdU+cells/LPF, p<0.05). TUNEL staining also showed a slower onset and lower magnitude of apoptosis in ko mice as compared to WT after hep. This was significant on day 5 (MMP-9ko: 59±9 TUNEL+cells/LPF, WT: 108±4 TUNEL+cells/LPF, p<0.05). This suggests that both proliferation and apoptosis are influenced by MMP-9 and matrix remodeling. Next, NF-KB expression in the hepatic cytosolic and nuclear fractions of ko and WT mice after hep was measured by Western blot. A delay in NF-KB expression in ko's versus WT's was seen, suggesting that the observed delays in hepatocyte proliferation and/or apoptosis are mediated via NF-KB signaling. These data suggest that the matrix remodeling process, particularly related to MMP-9, is important in liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy; this process may be controlled at least in part by NF-KB signal transduction mechanisms.

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