# 2225 Hepatic Clearance Is Reduced in Patients with Clinical
Johanna M. Inkinen, Juhani A. Sand, Jorma Salmi, Vaino
Turjanmaa, Pentti Vehkalahti, Isto H. Nordback, Tampere, Finland
Background: Previously we have shown that there is an increased prevalence
of diagnosed hypothyroidism in common bile duct stone (CBD) patients,
compared to gall bladder (GB) stone patients or age, sex and hospital
admission adjusted controls. We have also shown that thyroxine (T4) has a
strong inhibitory effect on sphincter of Oddi (SO) contractility in an ex vivo
preparation. This inhibitory effect is similar between T4 and triiodothyronine,
but is weak or lacks in the steroid hormones, and is mediated via K+-
channels (Gastroenterology 1998; vol 114, G2135). In hypothyroidism SO
may not relax properly, which can cause biliary stasis and thus favour the
forming of CBD stones. The present study was done to test whether changes
in the thyroid function affect biliary function.
Material and methods: Six female patients, age mean 48 (range 35-62) years,
with diagnosed untreated hypothyroidism (one patient) or total
thyreoidectomy performed due to thyroid cancer (five patients) were taken
into the study. They all had GB in situ. Quantitative 99mTc HIDA dynamic
isotope biligraphy, biliary ultrasonography, and serum laboratory analyses
were performed in two stages in each patient: 1) in hypothyroidism before
the beginning of thyroxine therapy and 2) in euthyroidism.
Results: In euthyroidism (serum unbound T4 17.3±1,3 pmol/l, S-TSH 1,7±0,4
mU/l and in hypothyroidism (serum unbound T4 4,6±0,4 pmol/l, S-TSH
84,4±12,7 mU/l) (mean±sem) no changes were seen in GB or bile ducts in
ultrasonography. In 99mTc HIDA the hepatic maximal uptake (22±2 vs. 22±3
min) and appearance to the large bile ducts at the hilum (8±1 vs. 7±1 min)
was similar in euthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Hepatic clearance at 60
min was decreased (67±2 vs. 54±7 %; p=0.05) and the hilum duodenum
time increased from 13±2 min by 31 % in hypothyroidism.
Conclusion: We conclude that hypothyroidism has an effect on the biliary
dynamics. This might be explained by delayed biliary emptying. Such a finding
is in accordance with our previous findings of inhibitory T4 effect on SO